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Hey Americans...tell me aboot your fine coontry


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Would you please educate me on your fine country?

Here is what i do know beer, oil, products from _____ are sent to _____, and _____ is a awesome place to go on vacation. so from an Canadian who takes public transit , 2 basses with maple and rosewood necks and drinks Belgian strong ale every once in a while it already seems like a cool place so what else do i need to know

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since this is an obvious parody to my canada thread ill answer with

beer is mediocre here unless you go with an import or a microbrew. we like to blow {censored} up and make alot of noise and we cant get enough goods imported to sustain our own greedy selves. we like to go to other countries on vacation but because of our reputation of being arrogant bastards we pretend that we are from canada so people will not be as rude as we deserve to be treated. our public transportation system is different in every city. gear prices are apparently cheaper here too.:thu:

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Originally posted by oldivor

You can carry a gun with you here

although you need a permit


Not in all places... A few states have "sidearm" laws, which mean that if it's on your HIP, as in NOT concealed, you can carry it.

Georgia is one of those states, though I've never actually seen anyone do it.


Georgia is also a state in which you can legally own a real live automatic, though there are definitely intense permits involved with that one.


On a more related-to-the-question note: Georgia is also the home of Savannah, which is not to be confused with anything else Georgian. If you like music, partying, beer and many other things that are "culture," you can't go wrong visiting that beautiful city.

And it's very foot-friendly too. If you stay downtown you can easily walk anywhere you want to go (especially since you're already a Canadian who isn't afraid of his/her feet), and if you don't public transit can fairly easily get you there.

I would strongly recommend AGAINST going for St. Patricks' Day... unless you're into that sort of thing.

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

i realize that they are made for verry good reasons but am still offended when they are made


Maybe... but dig a little deeper... are you "offended" because the "assumption" was made, or are you offended because they happen to be correct?


I am American, and frankly I'm QUITE offended by the rampant ignorance and stupidity of an unfortunate majority of our citizens.

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Originally posted by psychepsilo

Maybe... but dig a little deeper... are you "offended" because the "assumption" was made, or are you offended because they happen to be correct?

I am American, and frankly I'm QUITE offended by the rampant ignorance and stupidity of an unfortunate majority of our citizens.




definatley because they happen to be correct

alot of americans are lazy, obece, under educated, and arrogant but are offended when they are told that they are. i think something needs to actually be done to improve americas reputation with the rest of the world even if that is making it harder to leave the country.

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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

America-the only country in the world where people don't make silly assumptions about Americans.


Obviously... You can't very well make silly assumptions about something you know well. You'll just have to be content making silly assumptions about everyone else...

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

i think something needs to actually be done to improve americas reputation with the rest of the world...



I agree wholeheartedly.


Know what you do to get rid of a bad reputation?

Stop doing bad things.



If you've got a reputation for being a slut, stop sleeping around... or be proud of the reputation.


If you've got a reputation for being an asshole, learn to be nicer.


It's pretty simple really...

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

definatley because they happen to be correct

alot of americans are lazy, obece, under educated, and arrogant but are offended when they are told that they are. i think something needs to actually be done to improve americas reputation with the rest of the world even if that is making it harder to leave the country.



yea, like maybe elect a president who can speak the english language properly. And... what psychepsilo said.

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Originally posted by psychepsilo

Nope... there's a vast difference between experience and assumption. Big one between assumption and what you see every day too.

However, before any offense is taken, the only "assumptions" I've made about anyone on this forum, and experience thus far, is that y'all musicians, ie CREATIVE people, are far above the norm.

Nothing less than I expected.



I got some things mixed up because I've drunk more than twelve beers tonight. When I realized it I erased the post. Unfortunately you managed to qoute it before it was deleted. I didn't mean that you in particular make assupmtions about other people I meant that Americans do. At least that is my belief. You make just as many assumptions as Europeans. That was kinda what I was trying to say. Again by you I mean people in America. Not you personally.

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Originally posted by jazzykat

yea, like maybe elect a president who can speak the english language properly. And... what psychepsilo said.



i always say i voted for W on the off chance that Cheney would take over. i dont care if he did "accidentally" shoot somebody just look at his bio he is no dumbass and honestly i would be afraid of what W would do if he didnt have Cheney on staff

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Originally posted by Onkel Bob

I got some things mixed up because I've drunk more than twelve beers tonight. When I realized it I erased the post. Unfortunately you managed to qoute it before it was deleted. I didn't mean that you in particular make assupmtions about other people I meant that Americans do. At least that is my belief. You make just as many assumptions as Europeans. That was kinda what I was trying to say. Again by you I mean people in America. Not you personally.





Quoted what?

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

i always say i voted for W on the off chance that Cheney would take over. i dont care if he did "accidentally" shoot somebody just look at his
he is no dumbass and honestly i would be afraid of what W would do if he didnt have Cheney on staff



Ummm.... which parts should I read? The parts that are blacked out?


That's pretty funny actually.

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Originally posted by jonathan_matos5

i always say i voted for W on the off chance that Cheney would take over. i dont care if he did "accidentally" shoot somebody just look at his
he is no dumbass and honestly i would be afraid of what W would do if he didnt have Cheney on staff



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Originally posted by jazzykat




its the only bio i could find the one on the real government page which only states that he is the vice precident and that he went to yale:eek: i trust any politician as far as i can throw them and that includes myself and my mother if we ran for office. be affraid if you see my name as an option when voting:thu:

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