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very confused about this amp head

zesty brick

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Originally posted by zesty brick

why are there knobs on the input and output, does it have anything to do with no volume control?



I hope you're kidding, but I will answer you as though you aren't.


The input knob is like GAIN. It controls how much signal is going into the amp. If you set it too hight, your tone will overdrive, which some people like.....


Output, ios like master volume, and controls how loud the sound you hear is.



MOST professional amps have a similar set up, only it might be labeled somewhat differently.

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Basically, yes it sets the input and output volumes


you want to match the input to your bass, so you can get a good signal to the amp without clipping it (or with clipping it if that if your aim) - check the vu meter there, that shows you how large your input signal is when you are playing so you can use the input gain to get the needle sitting where you like (and hence the input and gain)


the output controls how loud the signal you get out of the amp is - basically a normal volume control


so the input helps control yout sound, the output controls the volume



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Zesty Brick-


The amp is an Ashdown MAG300H, which is owned by many of us on this forum ( including me ). One nice thing about this amp ( and some other manufacturers offerings) is the handy input meter shows you just how much you are driving the input side of the amp. The owners manual is available on-line. If you are interest enough I am sure you can figure out how to find it !!

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