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Is anyone a psychoanalyst?


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Phobias are sometimes related to a childhood event, not necessairly something very traumatic, so likely something you don't even remember...


Best way to get rid of it is to face the object of your fear...


You're not giving us a lot to work with here, mate...

Without more info, that's all I can say...

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Well it's pretty much a fear of anything to do with medical procedures, surgery etc.


Seems odd to me because i have never had surgery (I spent 3 days in hospital when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, thats it)


Whenever my girlfriend talks about her time in hospital (having an operation for her scoliosis) I get terrified for no apparent reason. It's not just this either, it's whenever anyone talks about medical procedures. What makes it worse is that after I become aware of it, I can't stop thinking about it...sometimes for days.

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Well it's pretty much a fear of anything to do with medical procedures, surgery etc.

Seems odd to me because i have never had surgery (I spent 3 days in hospital when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, thats it)

Whenever my girlfriend talks about her time in hospital (having an operation for her scoliosis) I get terrified for no apparent reason. It's not just this either, it's whenever anyone talks about medical procedures. What makes it worse is that after I become aware of it, I can't stop thinking about it...sometimes for days.



I'm with you on this , if you knew of the dreadful mistakes being made , especially in Cali you may just choose a home death .

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the fear of the unknown is common...it takes confrontation to rationalise it...


ie ...i am afraid of tomorrow...when it comes i deal with it...but till then i am anxious


what you feel...i get too..its part i think of anxiety and i got some medication for it...when you have it you cant get your mind to combat it...then when its gone its as if you never had it

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I'm not, but I play one on the Internets.


My approach in recent years to anything that makes me uncomfortable or unsure is to have the following mindset: "Millions of other assholes in the world deal with this every day as if it were nothing. Are you at least on the same level as said assholes, or are you a lesser man than them?"


You might be surprised as to how well this works.

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I am not a psychoanalyst, but I do have a tendency to psychoanalyse most everything.


I think when there is somthing you are anxious about, and cannot stop thinking about it, that is obsession.


Most everyone has a phobia of some kind or another, that is why the "NO FEAR" stickers are so poipular. Denial is part of the problem.

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Well it's pretty much a fear of anything to do with medical procedures, surgery etc.

Seems odd to me because i have never had surgery (I spent 3 days in hospital when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, thats it)

Whenever my girlfriend talks about her time in hospital (having an operation for her scoliosis) I get terrified for no apparent reason. It's not just this either, it's whenever anyone talks about medical procedures. What makes it worse is that after I become aware of it, I can't stop thinking about it...sometimes for days.





Odd, but I can relate a bit. I am also Type I Diabetic, and despite all the times I check my sugar and use needles on a daily basis, a couple of things gross me out. I get a bit queasy when people start talking about vessels and things moving through tubes...especially when it's in reference to lukemia and other forms of cancer. If my sugar is low and I'm feeling bad from that, it's even worse.


Sorry for bringing up something that sucks for you...but what sort of surgery did your girlfriend have? Spinal fusion plates? I do some work for a company that has a new device (proprietary, of course, but I can show you the patents that have published via the USPTO.gov if you're interested) for treating said disease.

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Sorry for bringing up something that sucks for you...but what sort of surgery did your girlfriend have? Spinal fusion plates? I do some work for a company that has a new device (proprietary, of course, but I can show you the patents that have published via the USPTO.gov if you're interested) for treating said disease.



She had rods attached to her spine.


What makes it worse is that this happened over 6 months ago and her back is still sore...also the doctor {censored}ed up and left a screw loose in there.



I'm trying really hard to remember some traumatic event involving surgery or the like, but I'm not having much luck.

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