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Ampeg B500DR Head?


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Looks like the same power section as an Ampeg B2R. If so, it will be insanely quiet for 350W while sounding pretty decent.


I just traded in my B2R and upgraded to a GK 700RBII, and the diff between 350 w of Ampeg and 480w of GK is night and day, loudness wise and also clarity at high volumes.


Basically, the GK is about twice as loud at half master as the Ampeg was cranked.


Having owned two solid state Ampegs now (B2 and an SVT-400T) I can say this seems to be an epidemic with their non-PRO amps. They are just quiet and don't cut at all compared to similarly priced/powered amps from other manufacturers.


If your budget is 500 bucks, go order a 700RBII from Rmcaudio. I bet that's about their price for one.

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If your budget is 500 bucks, go order a 700RBII from Rmcaudio. I bet that's about their price for one.



I'm not looking personally, but I thought it might be a deal for others to look into. Thanks for the input. My experience with GK products has also been good. I've played through 1000RB and 1001RB heads, and they're friggin' LOUD!!!

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