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I have used two amps for bass for decades...although I've been told it's technically not biamping because I don't like or use a crossover.


I use an tube SVT into a pair of 15"s for lows and a marshall superlead into a pair of 12"s for highs. It works well for me. YMMV.

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I used to have a biamp set up. Hartke 7000 head, highs to a 4x10, lows to a 15 (seperate power amps for each). It sounded more three dimensional when playing on my own, but was pretty much useless live because either 1. It is so goddamn loud, nobody can hear the nuance, 2. You are playing in a club and they run a DI from the head for most of the sound or 3. You are playing in a club and they mic one speaker.

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I normally only use the nemesis 2x10

but for bigger shows, I whip out a pair of EV15"400w speakers, a crossover and a Peavey CS800.

the crossover runs at about 150hz and the 200w nemesis rips out the higher frequencies and the EVs just thump away with heart stopping force.


Its particularly nice for upright bass, as you can move the big speakers away from you and just point the 200w at your head.


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:rawk: I have and Eden WT 800 that I biamp most of the time in rehersal. Through 2 - 12"s and 1 - 15".


If I had the Eden 4 x 10" cab, I would use that alone and wouldn't miss biamping.


With the current speaker setup, it helps the frequencies sound more 'stereo' if that make sense? There is more seperation in the tone...it's much warmer when bi-amped.


Live, I usually don't biamp it...I don't want the lows to push into the house too much, and running it straight into the two cabs seems to level the tone.



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