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Big Muff preferences?

Keith SIO

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I owned a russian muff before, and I might pick one up again just because they are affordable. I have a woolly mamoth, so my over the top fuzz taste is satisfied. However, i hear people rave about the little big muff on bass...Which do you prefer, russian or little big? Also, is little big muff TB?

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Some of the old Green tank-looking Sovtek muffs are simply amazing sounding, the construction on those things are HORRID though. I really dig the new Little Big Muff which actually sounds like a compromise between the Russian and NYC muffs (also has true bypass).

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I use a LBM but I also run it through a blending pedal to throw some of the original signal back into it. It tightens it up and helps with not getting lost in the mix. I used to have a Russian on, which I really liked, but it was way too big for my pedal board. The LBM does seem like a compromise between the NYC and russian though, which is nice.

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