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Time to get another bass guitar

whit townsend

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Looking to pick up another bass, its been about 4 yrs since I had one, and I'm looking hard right now to join another band on either bass or guitar. Have the guitar situation covered, MIM strat and a D28. But the only bass I own right now is an upright. Looking to play primarily old school country and rock and roll.

Last bass I owned was a rick, loved it for rock, but found it a little lacking in bottom end for country music. Guess I could have maybe puts some flats on it but then I would have lost that classic rick sound. It was the best feeling/playing bass I've owned. Regret selling it, but then I woudn't own a Gibson mastertone banjo.

Before that I had a Fernandez P/J, ASAT tele body shape. A great all around bass, wish I still has it. A big mistake selling it, went to help finance an engagement ring. I'd get another one, but its been discontinued.

I had a Marcus Miller Jazz at one time. Good bass, but way heavy. Got rid of it and got the Fernandez.

Before that, I had a MIM Jazz Fretless. Great sounding little bass, but got rid of it when I bought an upright.


Right now, the closest thing to what I would like is a Hwy1 Jazz, but a little above my budget.

I'm really intreged by the 51 Reisuue P Bass, but have not gotten the chance to play one. Love the look, and kinda like idea of the simpel no frills P bass sound. Also a little over my budget.

THe MIM Jazzes and Precs I've demoed recently just seemed to lack a little something, just felt a little too cheap. Guess the Rick spoiled me. But right now thats what I'm looking to get, esp if I come across a good buy on a used one.


I looked over the Fernandez site, and wonder if they compare in quality to a MIM Fender for less money? Not real crazy about the styling, but the plain black ones would do I guess. Dont know if the humbucker/Music man style pups would fit my style either. I dont see them used much for anything other than rock.

I wound apreciate any comments anybody has on those, along with some other stuff I shoukld check out. I dont really care for any of the lower end Ibanezes or Washburns I've played. Peavy?


Gonna keep looking used, but would have to play any used bass before purchacing.


Sorry for the long ramble, just fishing for ideas on a decent quality classic sounding/looking bass new or used, for under $500.

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Either the Fender Standard "P" or Jazz bass would work well since they're both kind of "Strat" like. Personally, I'd go with the P since it's a bit simpler and I like the ol' K.I.S.S. principal.


Yea, thats the obvious choice. Just hate to shell out for a new one, and so far the good local deal(one I can put my paws on) on a used one hasn't materialized.


Anybody had any experience with the Ferdnandez Tremors or Atlases?

Tempted to order one based on my prior Ferd. experience, but they are so different than than the one I had.

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I'd suggest a P bass as well. Do you have a problem with the used market? I'm sure you can find something that suits your fancy...



No, a used P or Jazz is what I've been considering for the most part.

But I want to find one locally that I can try out, not ebay.

I've been looking for a couple of months locally for used J or Ps, and nothing has turned up.

Just wondering if there was anything else that would be comparable that I've not heard of.

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No, a used P or Jazz is what I've been considering for the most part.

But I want to find one locally that I can try out, not ebay.

I've been looking for a couple of months locally for used J or Ps, and nothing has turned up.

Just wondering if there was anything else that would be comparable that I've not heard of.



I'm actually thinking about trading/selling my Peavey again...I just don't ever play it anymore...and I want to get some bass effects....so yeah...if you're interested shoot me a PM...it's a P/J config with EMGs that I'd let go with the OHSC for pretty cheap and under the price you're looking for...and I'd let you have a week with it to decide if you liked it.

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No, a used P or Jazz is what I've been considering for the most part.

But I want to find one locally that I can try out, not ebay.

I've been looking for a couple of months locally for used J or Ps, and nothing has turned up.

Just wondering if there was anything else that would be comparable that I've not heard of.



I know that GC gets knocked around here, but they usually have a few used P's and J's lying around to try out. They also usually have them for a good price, I'm they'd have something in your range. Go and check em' out this weekend!

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