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question on gk 700rbII


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i have had one rackmounted about 3 nights a week for the past year. i have been very pleased with the performance of this amp. i run it into two genz benz 4x10 cabinets. i am getting a clicking noise when i pluck the e or b string on my stingray. i thought it was a speaker in one of the cabinets but i have isolated the cabinets and speakers and the noise is still there. i have run direct into the amp(bypassing all my rack gear) and directly into the cabinets. still getting a clicking noise. i dont think it is in the cabinets. i am not clipping the amp. could it be the preamp in the stingray 5 or in the head. anybody had this similar problem.





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the click sound like if take a drum stick and tap the rim of a drum lightly. or maybe like string muting with a pick, just that little click. i am not an overly agressive player and the action is low on my bass, but i have altered my playing style to see if that would help and it does not. in a live situation, i run bass guitar into a direct box, then from direct box to foh board and my amp. our sound engineer doesnt hear anything out front and this is another reason i suspect amp. our sound engineer is an electonics tech for mobro music in jackson, ms and can diagnose the amp and repair if needed, i just cant be down because we play every weekend. i may have to though. i thought maybe you guys had experienced similar problems. i can play it like it is, in a live situation i dont notice it that much, but it is audible enough that our sound engineer was on stage when i was setting my amp before a gig and he noticed it.

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I've never experienced a problem like that, but if it is not your playing, then I would suspect it be the amp or cab.


The problem with stuff like that is that if you don't fix it, it could break at a really bad time...like in the middle of a gig. So the question to ask yourself is, can I afford to lose the amp for a days due to repair, or can I afford to lose it indefinitely due to failure.


My suggestion would be to take it in and have it checked out. As long as you're certain it's not your fingers...

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i carry a spare mackie m1400i power amp with me that i can run with either my bbe bmax preamp or my mxr m80 preamp if anything goes down. which is what i may have to do to get it checked out. we also run six peavey q-wave monitors(15" low rider with 2" horn) biamped powered by each by a peavey dpc1400 amp and we use four monitor sends so i could get by with even that.

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the click sound like if take a drum stick and tap the rim of a drum lightly. or maybe like string muting with a pick, just that little click. i am not an overly agressive player and the action is low on my bass, but i have altered my playing style to see if that would help and it does not. in a live situation, i run bass guitar into a direct box, then from direct box to foh board and my amp. our sound engineer doesnt hear anything out front and this is another reason i suspect amp. our sound engineer is an electonics tech for mobro music in jackson, ms and can diagnose the amp and repair if needed, i just cant be down because we play every weekend. i may have to though. i thought maybe you guys had experienced similar problems. i can play it like it is, in a live situation i dont notice it that much, but it is audible enough that our sound engineer was on stage when i was setting my amp before a gig and he noticed it.



OK, so the sound engineer doesn't hear it in the mix but does hear it on-stage. You're reasonably sure it isn't your fingers. Have you tried playing a different bass through the rig? How about using only one of the cabs; does it happen on one and not the other? Does it seem to happen only on a certain note played at a certain fret, or is it all over the E and B strings? You're using a DI box as a y-splitter with an XLR out and throughput to your amp; do you get the sound if you plug the bass directly into the amp? Just out of curiosity, why aren't you using the GK's Direct Out jack with the pre/Post switch on Pre? If you do that, does your sound tech hear the click? Do you still get the same click if you play softer or turn down the volume?


From what you've said so far, I think it's somewhere beyond the preamp. It wouldn't be the bass or your playing style, otherwise the tech would hear it in the mix. If it were a warped voice coil or the driver was at the limits of its travel you might get this noise, but Genz benz drivers are pretty high-quality, high-travel, low-distortion cones, so unless you're really thumping that rig I doubt that's the problem.


My first guess would have been the power amp limiter, but the 700RB doesn't have one (the power capacitors in these amps are over-spec'ed so they won't drain on a spike). My next guess is that you are either playing at a level that your drivers can't handle, or the air pressure of the cab is causing something to clack around somewhere. First, run the amp with only one cab and see if you have the problem, then try it with the other. Make sure all the drivers are securely screwed into the cabinets and that nothing's lose (this would cause a rattle or buzz more than a click, but anything's possible). Also make sure the back plate of the cab is securely fastened and that all jacks and knobs are snug (not too tight, though). If your cabs have a daisy-chain jack you aren't using, get a cheapo memory foam earplug or two and put it in the empty jack.

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i had this problem with my CLassic 400 when I would turn the highs on my bass up alot, or tune down to CGCF. I'm thinking it's probably the action on your bass. IF your strings are hitting your fretboard too hard or your pickups it can make this sound. Since I've had my 1001RB and quit my metal band i've tuned back up to drop d and eadg and I don't have the problem at all now.

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