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Any of you fine bassists out there ever take a couple drum lessons?


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i'm also a professional drummer. I started it as my secondary instrument and mostly just for fun. now i'm good enough that people want me to play. when i get gig calls i ask "drums or bass"


it's worth it. do it.

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i'm also a professional drummer. I started it as my secondary instrument and mostly just for fun. now i'm good enough that people want me to play. when i get gig calls i ask "drums or bass"

it's worth it. do it.


I knew this. Your somewhat inspiring me to do this. :cool:

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I did, for two years. Had the pleasure of learning from a very versatile and amazing drummer with lots of different styles under his belt.


I found that it really helped my bass playing and would reccomend it to anyone.

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It was totally worth it. Not just for the extra gigs you can get on a second instrument, but simply knowing how the drums work and how drummers work makes you a better bass player. It also gives you a better appreciation for a metronome too.



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Sounds cool but I've never really tried drums seriously. Having said that, in our end-of-jam swapping around sessions I've recently transitioned from incompetent flailing arhthymic spams to a sort of Meg White hit-everything-at-the-same-time drumming style. I can now do impressive sounding (to me) fills... but when trying to hold a beat I do not have the coordination to do anything other than hit everything at the same time. I honestly don't know drummers do it.

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{censored}, I just bought a cheap used drumset and taught myself.
It was very beneficial to my bass playing...



Me too. Actually I didn't buy them but my old drummer left his backup set at my old house which inspired me to bang away my frustations..

I can play pretty decent as long as I don't get too fancy.

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A little under a year ago, my brother mentioned he had an interest in drums. Being a bassist, I jumped on the idea of having my brother being a drummer. I went to Guitar Center, and they had a set on sale for reeeeeally cheap but it was a 1 day sale, so I just picked it up.


my brother never ended up playing them, but I've gotten pretty good. I've done a couple jam sessions as a drummer and it's a blast.

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