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Don't believe the Hate, Pirates 3 Rocked!!


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This is what I was afraid of, and specifically why I went and saw "28 Weeks Later"! :thu:


If I would've paid to see 2 in the theater, I'd of walked out after the first hour or so, easily.

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It was long. Really long. Way too much talking and not enough Jack Sparrow. Thinking about it afterwards, I think that Geoffery Rush may have gotten more face time than Depp. I thought it was a good movie and all but I think that they probably put a bit more action in it to break up all of the talk.

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Just got back. It wasn't good, but it was leaps and bounds above the second one (which is a disjointed piece o' poo). The second one left the story in such a mess, and this one attempted to clean everything up. It didn't do a phenomenal job, but I don't think "phenomenal" would be possible.

The amount of characters and pirates confused me, and I was left scratching my head at several points in the movie. Still, the end tied everything together, and it gets points for that. Will I go out and buy the DVD when it comes out? Na. Was I mad about paying 8.50? Not at all.



I agree with Captain Fathead.

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