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Reccomend me some jazz!


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Another vote for Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" as a great starting point; it's one of my all-time favorite albums. :thu:


I don't believe anyone has mentioned Dave Brubeck, except maybe in that long list; Check out the classic album "Time Out". :cool:


Pat Metheny Group is a top favorite when it comes to modern works. :idea:


Another of my modern favorites is David Sanborn (I saw him live twice with Marcus Miller on bass guitar). :eek:

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Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch

Andrew Hill - Point of Departure

Andrew Hill - Black Fire

Ornette Coleman - Shape of Jazz to Come


You may want to wait to try these until you've absorbed some of the other stuff. Definitely start with Kind of Blue, though. Then maybe Mingus/Coltrane, and then stuff like this. It's a bit more avant-garde, with Out To Lunch basically being the definition of free jazz.


But then again, the Ornette Coleman is gorgeous music, and I'm betting most newcomers to jazz would be able to appreciate it.


Anyway, those are some of my favorites besides some of the ones that have been mentioned already.


Oh yeah, those are all real good bass albums too.

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