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used bass for <$500?


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i've been playing an ibanez GSR200 and i'm ready for an upgrade. The most i can spend is $500.

I play mainly somewhat generic modern rock, whether you want to call it emo, punk, screamo, whatever. I like to switch between fingers and picks a lot, so i need something that can pull of the trebly picking sound, and a little more bassy funk-ish sound as well. I've been looking at G&L tributes, spector legends (the ones with the P/J), fender MIM Ps, and a couple of others, and i really don't know which to go with, or if there are other (better?) deals out there.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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the tribute i was really looking at was the sb-2, i usually like p/j setups.

it's been a while since i've played anything with humbuckers, but it seems like they didn't do the trebly sound very well. i may not have given them a fair shot, plus it's never easy to judge anything in a crowded guitar center.

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the tribute i was really looking at was the sb-2, i usually like p/j setups.

it's been a while since i've played anything with humbuckers, but it seems like they didn't do the trebly sound very well. i may not have given them a fair shot, plus it's never easy to judge anything in a crowded guitar center.



I just got a G&L Tribute L2000 from a fellow HCBFer. I play in a punk band where treble is important to me, and boy does it do treble. And it does bass, and everything in between. It's a great piece of work with an amazing amount of options. Want the P bass sound? Sure thing, it's there. Want a Musicman sound? Not a problem. Want a beefy slap-your-mother-in-the-face sound? That's what I like and it gives it good.


I got mine for under $400 used. Find someone who's willing to part with one and work out a deal. Then spend the extra moola on the necessities: a case, strap locks, strap, etc.

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Have you ever thought about a Warwick? You should be able to find a used Corvette Standard for $500 or under. I just bought a Corvette Standard 5-string for five hundred bucks w/ohsc. They go for a little more $$$ on eBay most of the time but you might be able to find one locally. Warwick seems to be a "love it or hate it" type of brand, so be sure you go to a local dealer and try some Warwick basses out before you commit to buy. The first dozen times I picked up a Warwick I hated the things. They grew on me, needless to say.

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an outstanding bass for this price would be a Line 6 Variax 700. There is tons of options offered to you with this bass. There are 24 different bass models that this bass can replicate fairly well and it even has synth!


check it out -




This would be the bass i would get if i was going to spend $500, or i would dish out a couple extra bux and get a 705, 5-string. Good luck and have fun!!


-edit- i have never found a Warwick corvette standard anywhere for under $1000, but you could get a rockbass for $500 or a little more. They tend to have some problems with the outputs... the signal will cut in and out due to faulty (made in china) wiring. But nonetheless, rock basses are pretty nice for the price range.

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