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Last 5 cd's you purchased


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(ordered all together, so there's more than 5)

The Pixies - Surfer Rosa

The Pixies - Doolittle

Nirvana - Bleach

Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Radiohead - The Bends

Radiohead - OK Computer


They were all on vinyl, not CDs, but I guess it counts. :) And just because I broke out my old record player and wanted to mess around with it.

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Police - Greatest Hits

Floggy Molly - Live at the Green Door

Great Big Sea - The Hard and the Easy

Reel Big Fish - Our Live Album is Better than Your Live Album


*shrug* that's about it for the last year or so.... iTunes.

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can't remember any cd's but the last vinyls i bought are:

Morte Macabre - symphonic holocaust (got it signed by the bass player and guitarist)

King Crimson - Red

Rush - Farewell to kings

Steve Hackett - Please don't Touch

Genesis - Lamb lies down on broadway

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Great mental exercise, I must say!

1)I recall this album: Loserville ~ 3rd album from Crunchy

2)A friend bought me Cheap Trick's Rockford album.

3)I recall buying King's X Ogre Tones-(disappointed by the drop of the f-bomb *tsk*)

4)Hmmm....Snow Patrol's Eyes Open

5+)Heck everything else is vague. I have many albums that I play, so they're not in any particular order, to aid my recollection of my recent acquisitions.

I got Loserville as soon as it was available, so I know that was recent, for sure! =D

Thank you for your time and attention: drive through!


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