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WOT, but funny: Police impersonater weirdness.

L. Ron Hoover

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So I was on my way to work yesterday morning and I noticed an older (probably around 1999) Ford Taurus ahead of me with a CB/VHF antenna on the trunk and a couple of of red, reflective white and blue decals on the back. I got alongside him at a red light and looked over. No radar, no computer, etc. Looked like a normal joe with a brush cut in the driver's seat, civilian license plate.


When the light turned green, I took off fairly quickly and as I was late, accelerated to about 30km/h over the speed limit. Next thing I know, I look in my rearview mirror and dude is about 5 feet from my bumper gesticulating wildly, then he picks up his cell phone and appears to make a call (that's illegal here). He followed me like this for about 2 minutes, until I finally got pissed off and pulled off onto a parking lot, he slowed down and then took off.


I was a bit weirded out by this so I pulled back out onto the street, caught up to him and got the license plate number. Part of me wondered whether it was an unmarked car, but I convinced myself that it wasn't. Anyway, I saw the car again this morning and made myself absolutely sure that it wasn't a police vehicle. So I called the local police detachment and spoke to a friend of mine who is a cop. I told him the story and gave him the description and license plate number of the car and he said, "Oh that's so and so. He just thinks he's the police. We've had complaints about him before." I asked why they didn't arrest this guy and my buddy said that the guy was right on the line between impersonating a cop and not impersonating a cop and that they were just waiting for him to slip up.


What the {censored} is the matter with people?

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Put on a suit. Think of a fake name. Then when he's stopped, approach the car and explain to him that you are from the FBI and have been investigating a local alien abduction, and he was named the only police officer to witness the abduction and need to meet you at the local station for questioning. Have your buddy ready with a video camera when the guy shows up(if at all) to catch the looks on both his and the dispatchers faces. :)

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Yeah when he kills someone with his crappy driving stunts and it comes out the cops know what he does everyday ... someone is gonna need a good lawyer .




That did occur to me, but apparently they don't have anything on the guy that they can press charges for right now.

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That did occur to me, but apparently they don't have anything on the guy that they can press charges for right now.



really , you obsereved erratic driving and illegal tailgating and cell phone use in one day what they've known about for who knows how long , you should film this jerk and have him arrested .

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