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Magnetic bracelets


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She's 79. She fell 1 year ago and broke the first and second vertebrae. She was very fortunate that it didn't kill her. The same fracture paralyzed Christopher Reeves. She's a tough bird. She carried her head in her hands into the house and called the neighbor to take her to the emergency room. They called me at work while they were on the way. She sat in a wheel chair until the emergency room physician had time to look at the xrays - then they freaked out. Strapped her to a board and care flighted her to Harris Hospital in Ft. Worth and he performed surgery the next day. He was very helpful and seems to know what he is doing. He answered all of our questions and didn't pull any punches. We were scared {censored}less. Very stressful. My brother and I almost came to blows while she was in recovery (another story). Doc put her in a 'halo'. One year later and the second vertebrae hasn't healed very well - very slow. She's not in pain - just irritated that she still has to wear a neck collar (soft one - not even a brace) and still can't drive. He seriously suggested this 'neck brace' magnet for her to try. I didn't object because it wasn't surgery or intrusive or painful. Like I said, insurance refused to pay - guess I know why now.


I will ask about it. I can't believe he was just trying to make a buck.

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dont think meant to "magnetize" iron in the blood... its not really the same as iron ore or filament... think has to do with + and - ions or electron/proton/neutron passing thru cell membranes.. idk... copper/magnetic bracelet cured carpal tunnel and tendonitis in my wrist and elbow... so I say give it a try... worked for me...




Magnetic fields from a little bracelet are far too weak to have any effect on the rather small amount of iron in blood. Hell, not even an MRI machine which has a magnetic field strong enough to suck up a metal chair from across the room exactly causes blood to go haywire in the body. In fact, it depends on it not affecting bloodflow much itself, since the primary purposes of functional MRI is to actually measure blood (in particular oxygenated blood) levels differences in very small scales such as between different regions of the brain.

If these things actually worked, I'd eat my hat! I'd stick to the classics, like good diet, adequate levels of sleep and exercise.

As for the pickups, on your picking hand they probably would interfere at least slightly if close enough. Fretting hand you would be fine I think. It depends on how strong they are.


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