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Know anything about these amp heads?


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I am thinking about buying one of these two heads, has anyone played one. I've read plenty of good reviews and stuff. I want to know how they are from someone who played them. They don't have them at any of my guitar centers, or music stores. So this would really help. The culprits are:


Ashdown electric blue 180, and acoustic b200h.


I know there cheap heads, but that's what I'm looking for.

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Cheap heads that sound good. I've messed around with both and thought both sounded very good for cheap amps. Surprised you Guitar Center doesn't have the Acoustic, I've seen them everywhere. Don't know if one is more reliable or durable than the other. I tried them in store so I couldn't them up to volume, they might not be enough if you're fighting a guitarist with a stack but either should be great for practice.

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