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Pickups replacement for "same size pickups" MIM Fender Jazz

The Unknown

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Hi !


I'd like to change the pickups on my MIM Fender Jazz. Mine is a little older, from the time when they made them with 2 pickups of the same size. Is there still a company who makes "same size" pairs right now ?


I'd also like to know what size are regular Jazz bass pickups (neck and bridge) because I bought my MIM Jazz bass used and it might have been modded before I got it.


Thanks !

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Yea, mine's like that too. It pisses me off. I think Bartolini and Aero make ones that will fit, OR, if you're willing to get humbucking ones (i.e., Dimarzio Ultrajazzes), you could just get two neck pickups.



The Ultrajazzes aren't voiced differently (neck vs. bridge) ?


You see, I also wonder if mine has the original pickups... they don't sound all that good but there's something the physically makes me wonder. The pickup poles of the bridge pickup align perfectly with the strings while they don't on the neck pickup... so it doesn't seem logical that the pickups I have are both the size of a neck pickup (though they are both the same size...).

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Just route out the pickup hole to fit the different sized pickup.


It took me about 5 minutes to do this on my old MM Jazz.


I then took some black paint and covered up the spots that I made wider.

With the pickup in you cannot even tell it was modded.

I used a dremmel with a router attachement.


Easy fix

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