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WTFOT: Tonight Dwight vs Andy!?!?!?


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I love the Office deadpan humor stylings.. One of the few comedies on TV that are actually funny. I'm a big fan of this style of comedy though, i can see why many do not like, my wife for instance just doesn't understand how i'm so smitten by it and shows like Flight of the Conchords.

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I think it's on after my bedtime, or maybe while I'm at work. I work all different times of day and night, so tv is about lowest priority.


I think it goes something like:



3)wife (not that she's #3, but she knows I gotta eat and sleep in order to function for life.--she's no ego-nutburger)



6)computer stuff


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That was funny, but I don't know if I like where the show is going anymore. It seems to be more story oriented. The earlier seasons dedicated a lot of time to random jokes that had nothing to do with the plot, like the episode where Michael is doing the fake walking down the stairs thing and Pam gets him to crawl all the way to the break room to get coffee. That part was hilarious, and it was completely separate from the story-telling. I want to see more of that. This episode didn't really have any of it.

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