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I joined a "show"band in December.The money killed,and the challenge of learning a whole show in a week was rewarding.Six piece,and the keyboardist also plays sax,flute,and we have a trumpet as well.Guitar is basically pushed to the back as every song has a keyboard,sax,trumpet,or flute lead.Kinda new to me as I've typically worked in guitar bands.Anyway,I get a call,and skeptically go check this other project out.Three piece plus a singer.It's been a long time since I've played this format,and the challenge of making acceptable arrangements with three instruments and two voices is sooo fun!!!Three rehearsals in,and it is already starting to have it's own feel,sound,vibe,and it has the potential to be really good.I'm doing most back-ups,and really enjoying that as well.While I like the classiness(we dress in suits),of the band I joined,I'm seeing the potential of this side project as huge.With this little side project I feel less like the hired gun I've become in the past few years,and more like I'm supposed to feel about playing.You know,excited,energetic.I mean I always portray that on stage,but I'm not even gonna have to try with this other thing,and with only four people,we can charge less,and make more!!! The "big" band isn't playing again until mid-February.Side project has a one-nighter on the 31 on January.I am gonna play a lot of music this year,and have a helluva lot of fun!!! :thu:

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Congrats. You have, what it seems to me anyway, the best of two worlds.

For excitement level there is nothing better to me then the energy of hearing

live horns in a band. I would happily blend into the background to be in a band with a four piece brass section again like I was back in the day.

But then I play bass now, so I'm pretty used to being part of the background (attention wise) anyway.

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