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Metallica has bumped King's X down to 2nd place as best live show I've seen...

der oxenrig

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Not that it's an insult to King's X, but seeing Metallica was truly amazing. Of course, it wasn't in an intimate venue like the King's X show was, but in Verizon Center, which certainly had its share of sound problems (more on that, later). But Metallica's stage presence and showmanship made up for it (it also helped that I knew alot of the songs; I hardly knew any King's X material at the time).


When my dad (the real metalhead) and I got to Verizon Center, we noticed these signs at the beer stands:




Not that we were going to do any drinking anyways, as beer was $7.50 a cup. :facepalm:


The Sword opened up, and they were surprisingly good. They suffered from a terrible mix, though, and their stage presence was not much better than your average local band. Still, their songs were good, and I'm definitely going to check them out some more.


Machinehead was painful. All you could hear was kickdrum. During the first song, their lead singer threw the microphone stand (with mic) down on the stage for no real reason. If Metallica was asking for sobriety, these {censored}ers were anything but. Again, even worse mix, terrible sound. I spent much of the time outside in the lobby.


Metallica started their set with a song I didn't recognize, but they also started with something new for them: lasers! And a {censored}load of them, too!




It was honestly the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. They played a bunch of new stuff, which got a little boring at times, but then they played a bunch of old favorites: One, Master of Puppets (with more lasers in the middle part), Battery, all of the standard Black album hits. They pretty much relied on the solid rather than the sour. They ended with Motorbreath and Seek and Destroy on the encore, with a bunch of large ballon-balls dropping from the ceiling. A great performance. :thu:


I also have to note that Rob Trujillo has to be the most entertaining bassplayer to watch ever. His stage presensce is so intense without missing a single note that I don't know how he does it. :idk:

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Mastodon and Metallica are supposed to be touring together later this year. I know a lot of the posted shows are overseas, but I REALLY hope that they stay together and come back and tour here. That would be a show I WOULD NOT miss!!! Metallica is definitely first on my 'bands to see live that I haven't seen yet' list. Mastodon is one of my favorite bands and on my 'go see them again when they are close' list...

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Metallica at big day out '04


I was on the fence about 5 meters from james hetfield, and it was the best live show I've ever seen.



people become really aggressive when Metallica is playing


It's called a mosh pit.


I had 2 cracked ribs, and I lost a shoe at that gig but it was the most fun I've had at a show.

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I saw Rob Zombie on Halloween several years ago, and it was the best show I have ever been to. I was right on the barricade the entire show, and it was just awe inspiring.


Like them or not, the craziest and most fun shows I have ever been to were ICP concerts. I am usually pretty reserved at shows and just like to chill and watch the show... but something about being soaked in gallons of soda that makes it easy to cut loose. Easily the most fun I have ever had at a show. Hands down. The fact that 2 Live Crew opened and had strippers running all over the stage probably didn't hurt any either...

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I saw them at Bonaroo last summer and they were terrible. I'm a huge Metallica fan, well there first 4 albums at least, and their {censored} was weak. Kirk was the only dude who not only sounded good but also played his ass off and enjoyed himself. They were basically a crappy Metallica cover band with a bad ass lead player.



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I saw them at Bonaroo last summer and they were terrible. I'm a huge Metallica fan, well there first 4 albums at least, and their {censored} was weak. Kirk was the only dude who not only sounded good but also played his ass off and enjoyed himself. They were basically a crappy Metallica cover band with a bad ass lead player.




really?, woow, is very common that Kirk is always the one who is crapping over the songs with his {censored}ty wah, and poor playing, my brother saw them in 2003, he was really pissed off because Kirk couldnt play well any solo of any song, and that metallica jumped the solo part in Blackened.

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really?, woow, is very common that Kirk is always the one who is crapping over the songs with his {censored}ty wah, and poor playing, my brother saw them in 2003, he was really pissed off because Kirk couldnt play well any solo of any song, and that metallica jumped the solo part in Blackened.



Nope. I was really disappointed. Lars was just half assing it. Jaymz was so crappy. Just played and left. Singing old songs with Load era style. I really wished they were better.


Pearl Jam was the opposite for me. I gave up on them after No Code and expected them to be boring but they kicked my ass. They stole the whole festival.



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I have all the VHS/DVD's and albums of their live stuff.


I can only imagine them being worse now without post-production to fix the {censored}ups and Jaymz's miserable attempt at "singing" while trying to synch up the song while Larz goes {censored}tard on the drums and drives the song into the ground.


Plus I'll never give 'em another dime.


I wanted to go see them with Down but I figured how much cash would Phil and the guys actually see versus AssTallica, and wasn't worth it.


Glad it was a good show though.

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Saw Queen in the 70's in Germany while they were recording their Live Killers album. Maybe wasn't metal but they rocked their asses off. Of the thousands on bands I saw before and since I couldn't even tell you who was second best.

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