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drive control... preamp foot control


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I've got a sound I like out of my bx1200 , I've also got my hartke 3500 dialed in where I like it. for alot of thing I like to have the drive cranked on the bx1200, or the tube preamp cranked on the 3500. But not all the time.

partly out of laziness, and partly out of practicality, I don't want to have to turn these knobs in between songs or during songs or whatever. so basically, I want foot control over something my amps have but something that is not foot switchable.

Is an overdrive pedal what I want? A boost pedal? I don't want something that's going to change my overall sound too much... Like I said, my amps are capable of getting the sounds I want. I just want a different way to control it.

What external product could I use to give me the same result?

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I've got a sound I like out of my bx1200 , I've also got my hartke 3500 dialed in where I like it. for alot of thing I like to have the drive cranked on the bx1200, or the tube preamp cranked on the 3500. But not all the time.

partly out of laziness, and partly out of practicality, I don't want to have to turn these knobs in between songs or during songs or whatever. so basically, I want foot control over something my amps have but something that is not foot switchable.

Is an overdrive pedal what I want? A boost pedal? I don't want something that's going to change my overall sound too much... Like I said, my amps are capable of getting the sounds I want. I just want a different way to control it.

What external product could I use to give me the same result?



have you tried using the volume control on your bass?

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have you tried using the volume control on your bass?



I usually have my volume wide open on the basses... except for the one without a volume control, but thats another story...should I just leave the drive cranked, and turn the bass itself down when I don't want the "dirt"

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I usually have my volume wide open on the basses... except for the one without a volume control, but thats another story...should I just leave the drive cranked, and turn the bass itself down when I don't want the "dirt"


yessir. if that works to your satisfaction then you can pick up a volume pedal to do it with your feet :thu:

if not - it may be pedal time.

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yessir. if that works to your satisfaction then you can pick up a volume pedal to do it with your feet
if not - it may be pedal time.


I'll have to wait till tomorrow to make that kind of noise. I've got a volume pedal on my korg ax3000b also, so if its that simple I'm going to be ecstatic :]


If I do go with a pedal... what will I need? boost? overdrive? something entirely different?

I really like the tech 21 vt bass pedal. for what it is, its an amazingly low price, but for what I would use it for, it seems like a lot.

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If I do go with a pedal... what will I need? boost? overdrive? something entirely different?

I really like the tech 21 vt bass pedal. for what it is, its an amazingly low price, but for what I would use it for, it seems like a lot.



boosts by definition just make your signal louder.overdrives overdrive it.

if you want to keep the same tone you've got dialed in you are gonna need something to cut the volume going into the amp.if you want to get the clean tone from your amp settings and try to replicate the sound you're getting now- it will just be trial and error but, i would start by looking at overdrives.

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ok, this is going to be tricky... the volume idea is not going to work... because... if I do that... THEN... I need to go over to the amp to turn the volume up or down to compensate for the change of volume on the input stage. so I guess I need to overdrive the signal BEFORE the volume pedal... so I can still have foot control to compensate for that

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