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WTBSOT: Otters!


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Stock photo, unfortunately...


Saw one of these guys in our creek as I was planting some dogwood, willow, Oregon grape etc to stabilize the bank.


Pretty cool---we live on a cul-de-sac in suburban Tigard, but our lot abuts a green space, and we have a year-round creek on one side. I'd seen otters in nearby Fanno Creek, but the little guy was 50 feet from my house. :D

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Those live in freshwater creeks?


And you're sure it wasn't a nutria?


River otters are a fresh water species. It definitely wasn't a nutria. There are a bunch of nutria in Fanno Creek near Hall Blvd, and I can tell them from otters.


I saw otters all the time as a kid in Wisconsin, and no, they didn't look like Holsteins, either. :D

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We ad a juvenile beaver in the creek last spring. Parks & Rec Dept set a live trap and released him further down the Willamette River.

Got any possums, Karl? Or porcupines?


I see possums occasionally in WI. Usually sitting in the middle of a road waiting to get run over.

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