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NBD - Won't Get Fooled Again Edition!


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I saw a G Bass for dirt cheap in the UK but I still couldn't afford it. Who made the necks for those? I think it was Modulus but I may be wrong. Wish I had made more effort to get the one I saw



i've heard rumor that it was, in fact, modulus. but it's nothing more than {censored}house rumor. no idea for sure.

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I hear ya. Wednesday had me calling the warehouse, saying "Is it here yet? Huh, is it?" And now, I'm landing planes on the fretboard...!


my sincerest apologies for that. i {censored}ed off instead of getting your bass shipped. then it was friday, and i didn't see letting it sit in the warehouse over the weekend, so i sat on it until monday.


shoulda told you, i guess.





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my sincerest apologies for that. i {censored}ed off instead of getting your bass shipped. then it was friday, and i didn't see letting it sit in the warehouse over the weekend, so i sat on it until monday.

shoulda told you, i guess.




Ha ha, no problems whatsoever; the wait was well worth it. It came in plenty of time for the next two weeks of rehearsals (cabaret show at a local high school), to get run through its paces.

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Those are pretty much the best buy left in the world when it comes to basses. Post us an indepth review for all the Peavey haters man.


And like Juggs said, they are definitely modulus. You can't buy a modulus neck for 550 bucks these days. And you get a solid US built bass around it for that price :)


If you upgraded literally everything on it it'd still be half the price of a new mod.

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