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Easter wednesday party cart.

Onkel Bob

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I think it was you that put the idea in my head to try it. I've always like the pale ale, and last night I bought a sixer and fell in love.


i found a case at a distributor about 20 mins from my house today. they wanted 40 something for it :mad:


i got some sierra pale ale instead :thu:

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Keep in mind they are like 9% ABV. It only takes a couple to get a nice buzz. A case of 24 could last quite a while:D


this place had all kinds of good beer that ive never seen in pa before. i spent 15 mins in the cooler just looking around. the dude behind the counter came in twice to check on me :lol:


they had 4 or 5 different kinds of stone brewery beer. some were 50 and 60 bucks a case tho.

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Starting a 4-day! I just needed some time off! Wish I could make it to the islands for a few days...

Anyways, started with a Two Brothers Cane & Ebel.

Then, just finished a Okocim Palone

(Okay you Pollocks out there, how do I pronounce Palone correctly please?)

What next? Either another Palone, or an Anchor Steam Porter.

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