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Somewhat on-topic: Stands to hold a guitar up to switch to during songs?

der oxenrig

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For example, what kind of stand would you use to hold up an acoustic guitar if you were switching between acoustic guitar and bass? I know they exist because Metallica has used them for The Unforgiven, and Jethro Tull has used them in the past as well. Are they custom made, or does somebody actually produce them on the market?





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just FYI - i think they're commonly referred to as "gracie stands".

or perhaps that's a commonly known manufacturer?


That's the name. :idea: I have heard it too, but I think it's actually the brand, but likely their most known product.


That one I showed looks hella cheap, where those are qualiity stands. That one looks like a modified $6.99 music stand that everyone has that can't support a single page, let alone book of music without falling over.


EDIT: I didn't look close enough at the pic, that is in fact the Gracie stand, and it's heavier duty than I thought. It's just a modified cymbal stand. Take that pic to a metal shop and ask how much to make just the top half of it, buy a budget cymbal stand and away you go.

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That's the name.
I have heard it too, but I think it's actually the brand, but likely their most known product.


sorta like crescent wrenches and phillips screwdrivers. both were actually brand names once, and now have become the "common" name that's nearly universal.

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sorta like crescent wrenches and phillips screwdrivers. both were actually brand names once, and now have become the "common" name that's nearly universal.


Exactly. I had an assignment on that in my Marketing class once, to name a bunch of things that have had that happen. There is a name for that phenom, I don't remember it now. :lol:

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