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This weekend's gig is looking like we are going to have to bring our 1200 watt rack PA. The house one is {censored} and this place is SMALL. Like large living room small. Was wondering who has experience with this and if anyone has suggestions that lean on the 'not pulverizing our audience' side?


Also, I was wondering if I should bother bringing my amp. ( Noob question, I know )


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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True. I dunno. I would like to save the labor of actually bringing this monster but I also want everyone to be able to hear themselves well and not get lost in mud. So far, the drummer thinks it's a bad idea to bring it though I have yet to ask him his reasoning. Guess I'm just bein' a puss.

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This too. I have never played a venue this small with such a large PA...that sounds kinky!...are there problems I should expect/look for? I don't do sound so I'm a little in the dark. By the way Oldivor, sorry for starting trouble in your thread.

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This too. I have never played a venue this small with such a large PA...that sounds kinky!...are there problems I should expect/look for? I don't do sound so I'm a little in the dark. By the way Oldivor, sorry for starting trouble in your thread.



Hhmmm problems, see if you can testing the PA out and you should be able to playing hard without clipping(preferably). Of course if it sounds bad you might want to use your PA, then again it could be the room also... The main thing would be if it's clipping though.


What thread? haha I really don't care either way. Everyone has bad days or something like that.

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I play square in the middle of one Bruno Underground 30, and one Bruno Cowtipper. Directly behind me is a SWR 750 with an Epifani 410. Just above that and directly behind my head is a Yorkville monitor linked with a QSC a Crown Power amp poweing two massive LA P.A. speakers on either side of the room

(4000 watts capable) which also runs keys. Both guitarists believe that their tone isn't right unless cranked way up, which I can understand....because I have to crank mine too!!!(Bruno prototype all tube bass preamp behind a Sansamp BDDI) This room is small(a wonder the PA alone doesn't blow the power out) and I've been playing in this format every week for the last six months. I JUST bought a set of pro earplugs, and I am gonna be kicking myself for the next six months for not doing it sooner.


This is from anoher forum

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Ouch, a couple of 35-40 watt tube heads cranked. Is your drummer a heavy hitter? I think you will need some PA just to hear the vocals.



The mix in't really the problem ( if you dont count guitars!),

it's just the SIZE of the PA. I was curious if such a small room would be prone to issues.

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The mix in't really the problem ( if you dont count guitars!),

it's just the SIZE of the PA. I was curious if such a small room would be prone to issues.



We are just talking about 2 (I assume EAW LA series) speakers? That is not very big. Each has what, a 2x2 footprint? Turn em in some, (I assume 90 degree horns) try to get the horns over 6' up. Watch the reflections and use the EQ. I really don't understand the quandary. Are you actually talking about a 70's PA with w bins, perkins etc.? The PA has a volume fader, use it.

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We are just talking about 2 (I assume EAW LA series) speakers? That is not very big. Each has what, a 2x2 footprint? Turn em in some, (I assume 90 degree horns) try to get the horns over 6' up. Watch the reflections and use the EQ. I really don't understand the quandary. Are you actually talking about a 70's PA with w bins, perkins etc.? The PA has a volume fader, use it.


K. Now I must convince the old farts I play with that since THEY are the ones with mini-vans, it will be THEY who lug it. I luv playing the dumb bass guy....:facepalm:

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