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is there a cheaper way to get the same sound as the fulltone bass drive?


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Steal one?

Dunno, sold mine when I got the M13. I was honestly never that impressed...



Theft is overrated, and hazardous to boot. Instead, I would propose finding someone who owns one. Befriend that person. Ask if, theoretically, that person would give you their Bassdrive in their will. When they say yes, kill them.


A lot cheaper than buying one, IMO.

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The Bass-Drive is a lovely unit. Well thought and well built.

Buy an Ibanez PD-7. You won't be far from the real deal as far as tone goes.



Y'know the only problem I've had with that line of ibby pedals? I've owned/inherited 4 of them (2 pd7's, 2 smashboxes) and all 4 of them have had switches that went bad.

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