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OT: The Ultimate Fighter


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Is it me or did the first episode leave anyone else feeling "meh" about this season? Sure, it's going to be fun to watch Kimbo fight the first time to see if he can hang, but apart from that heavyweight fights are usually kinda boring... Especially if either fighter is fat and/or & uncoordinated. Then there's all the Rashad vs Rampage :blah: that most-likely will get real old real soon. I dunno. I'll give it time, but previous season have started off better... That's for sure.

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I liked the seasons where they fought their way on. They can't do that with these guys because there aren't enough good heavyweights.


But yeah Kimbo is a joke.


Did anyone see Belfort knock Franklin the {censored} out? I did and I was out to sea...so awesome, I can't wait for Belfort to start fighting more.

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Did anyone see Belfort knock Franklin the {censored} out? I did and I was out to sea...so awesome, I can't wait for Belfort to start fighting more.


:mad: No! Didn't see the Mayweather/Marquez fight either... Was out to dinner with my g/f and a bunch of her friends for her birthday. One of my buddies has it on TiVo though so hopefully I'll see it soon.

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No! Didn't see the Mayweather/Marquez fight either... Was out to dinner with my g/f and a bunch of her friends for her birthday. One of my buddies has it on TiVo though so hopefully I'll see it soon.


Befort looked very very solid...of course I'm of the opinion that Rich Franklin is done and not much of a fighter anymore so I'd like to see a real test of Belfort for his next fight. I'd like to check out the Mayweather fight as well.

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I liked the premiere, and that Abe dude's forehead cut at the end was gruesome and awesome at the same time. I also think Rampage, while not exactly a good coach, is a funny addition to the show. The best part was when he was making fun of that contestant's manboobs.

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The first fight was boring as hell. This will be a major issue with the heavy-weights. Too many of them are just big and nothing else, so when they get in the cage they are useless and you end up with 2-3 rounds of a big dude sitting on top of another big dude with an occasional punch/elbow. Hopefully it will get better quickly.

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I am actually looking forward to this season, honestly. The fight was super slow though. I think I could have got in there and kicked Abe's ass, honestly. Zero ground game. Ugh.


Kimbo? I like Kimbo. In the interviews I have actually seen with him, he comes across as a reasonable and intelligent person. I think the fact that he is a bit older than a lot of MMA fighters who are just starting out makes him a bit more appreciative of what he has. As questionable as I am about his ability to hang, his frame of mind seems to be excellent and he works hard. I'm also glad to see someone make his way from a virtual nobody to TV personality with nothing but grit and determination.


I dunno. Personally I like him and I'm looking forward to seeing him fight again.


As far as Belfort goes... I thought he looked saggy and weak. But hooooly {censored} there were a couple of times when you could really see his hand speed is still there. Hopefully if he starts fighting again he'll get into better shape and then he'll be a force.


The fights can all be seen here:




Assuming people don't want to scrounge around looking for them.

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I want to watch Kimbo Slice one-punch Brock Lesnar.



Did you see Kimbo's fight about 6months ago when he was supposed to fight Shamrock?...He (Shamrock)/had a cut over his eye that didnt heal enough or something for him to fight. So the alternate came in (some young looking guy about half of Kimbos size)...One punch Kimbo was down with the kid on top of him punching the side of his head until ref stopped it.


I was certainly surprised he went down that fast...i dont see Kimbo beating Lesnar as easy as that. But after seeing Kimbo go down like that anything is possible!! :cop:

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Did you see Kimbo's fight about 6months ago when he was supposed to fight Shamrock?...He (Shamrock)/had a cut over his eye that didnt heal enough or something for him to fight. So the alternate came in (some young looking guy about half of Kimbos size)...One punch Kimbo was down with the kid on top of him punching the side of his head until ref stopped it.

I was certainly surprised he went down that fast...i dont see Kimbo beating Lesnar as easy as that. But after seeing Kimbo go down like that anything is possible!!


Referring to Petruzelli as a "kid" is a little misleading. The guy is 6' tall, 245lbs with an 11 and 4 record, 10 of which were by KO or TKO. Kimbo, by comparison is listed at 6'2" and 235lbs. Petruzelli is not exactly a small guy. It's not like he's 245lbs of fat...




If that guy punched YOU in the face, don't have any doubt that you'd be taking a nap. Yeah, it was a weird punch that I was surprised to see drop Kimbo, but look at Anderson's KO punch of Forrest. WTF was that? Backpedaling, non-planted feet, etc... but pin point accurate.


That being said, Kimbo stands no chance with Lesnar... but it would be fun to watch him knock his head off.

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Man, what a horrible, horrible decision at the end of the Wes Shivers vs James McSweeney fight. Even though the fight sucked as both guys were winded by the end of the first five minute round (especially Shivers), I thought Wes won that fight. He had control most of the time, so the only thing I can think of is that Sweeney kept nickel & diming points with his leg kicks and stuff, even though he suffered a couple takedowns and didn't do any himself. I just watched the fight for the second time and I still feel the same way.


If this McSweeney douche is Team Evans' first pick, that doesn't speak well for the future, despite the fact they're already up two fights.

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Man, what a horrible, horrible decision at the end of the Wes Shivers vs James McSweeney fight. Even though the fight sucked as both guys were winded by the end of the first five minute round (especially Shivers), I thought Wes won that fight. He had control most of the time, so the only thing I can think of is that Sweeney kept nickel & diming points with his leg kicks and stuff, even though he suffered a couple takedowns and didn't do any himself. I just watched the fight for the second time and I still feel the same way.

If this McSweeney douche is Team Evans' first pick, that doesn't speak well for the future, despite the fact they're already up two fights.



Totally disagree. Shivers didn't do {censored} other than pin him against the cage and lay on him. McSweeney landed the way harder shots (esp the leg kicks) in both rounds and was generally the aggressor.


That said... Another boring heavyweight fight. I'd be embarrassed to be those guys when they were both resting for more than half of the second round.

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Totally disagree. Shivers didn't do {censored} other than pin him against the cage and lay on him. McSweeney landed the way harder shots (esp the leg kicks) in both rounds and was generally the aggressor.

That said... Another boring heavyweight fight. I'd be embarrassed to be those guys when they were both resting for more than half of the second round.



I dunno. I could have seen it being a draw, but god damn... how bad would the 3rd round have been? Shivers was REALLY aggressive in the first round and landed some HARD shorts. The fact that McSweeny literally turned his back and ran away from him certainly speaks volumes to me. He had a take down and controlled the first half of the round pretty well. I really don't think McSweeny did enough the rest of the round to take it from him.


Round 2 went to McSweeny, but it was a friggin disaster either way.


In reality I give Rd 1 to Shivers and Rd 2 to McSweeny, but there's no way in hell I wanted to see a 3rd round.


And as far as the conditioning goes, I'm told they work the guys in the house REALLY hard while they are there. We watch PPV fights and those guys are peaking when they fight. In fact peaking just at the right time is an art all in itself... the guys in the TUF house aren't anywhere near 100% when they fight, so I try to cut them a little slack.

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Yeah, Shivers hit him with a couple good shots the first round, but did {censored} for the rest of the fight. Dude couldn't even lift his arms in the second round. Rashad was screaming at McSweeney though. Made me laugh.


Next week's fight might be fun. Roy v Kimbo... Seemingly out of shape wrestler type vs seemingly in shape but sorta old street fighter. hmmm.

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I'm looking forward to the Kimbo v Roy Nelson fight. Hopefully it will be better than the last two suckfests. The way Rashad talked about McSweeney, you'd have though he wouldn't have sucked so much in the ring. None of the four that have fought so far could hack it in the UFC, at least in my opinion.


They should have each of them work a match with Randy Couture, just to see how a 46-year-old' man's conditioning (not to mention skills) tower over theirs. It would be funny, almost like that "Pro's versus Joe's" episode.

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I agree, so far these fights have SUCKED. Cardi-WHAT?


Remember how Rampage walked out during the first match? If I was Evans, I would have walked out on the second one. Both fighters, totally spent and worthless in 6-7 minutes, standing across the ring gawkin' at each other, suckin' wind, and both of them prolly thinkin'.... "Man, look at that turd. He's whooped."


What a {censored}in' joke.


I bet Dana was shaking his head just like I was.


Put me in coach.

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Yeah, Shivers hit him with a couple good shots the first round, but did {censored} for the rest of the fight. Dude couldn't even lift his arms in the second round. Rashad was screaming at McSweeney though. Made me laugh.

Next week's fight might be fun. Roy v Kimbo... Seemingly out of shape wrestler type vs seemingly in shape but sorta old street fighter. hmmm.



Yeah, he landed some good shots and he got the take down. I thought that won the first round for him, personally. But oh well. Not sure what to think about the fight next week. Logically Roy would be the favorite, but Kimbo is everywhere in the media, which makes me think that he must have done reasonably well... and I really think the guy works hard and learns quickly. I wont be surprised if he knocks Roy out. Roy seems like the kind of douchebag that will try and stand with Kimbo just to prove a point, so I can see him getting KO'd.


I'd love to see how well the guy above me would do in a situation like the TUF fighters are in. Drained from the extensive training, probably victim of a massive adrenaline dump... it's easy to talk {censored} from your computer chair. It's a whole different experience to actually get in there and try it.


On a side note, any one else note Wanderlei's open workout he's holding to search for new talent? I'm seriously considering sponsoring a young guy from around here. He's a Judo student of mine, 24, over 6', absolutely ripped and strong as an ox. Muay Tai training, obviously some Judo and some BJJ. Just a natural talent that I think could do great things at 170lbs. Anyone live in Vegas and want to save me some $$ by giving him a place to crash? He's a nice guy. Honest. Lived with me for a couple of months with no issues.

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Yeah, he landed some good shots and he got the take down. I thought that won the first round for him, personally. But oh well. Not sure what to think about the fight next week. Logically Roy would be the favorite, but Kimbo is everywhere in the media, which makes me think that he must have done reasonably well... and I really think the guy works hard and learns quickly. I wont be surprised if he knocks Roy out. Roy seems like the kind of douchebag that will try and stand with Kimbo just to prove a point, so I can see him getting KO'd.

I'd love to see how well the guy above me would do in a situation like the TUF fighters are in. Drained from the extensive training, probably victim of a massive adrenaline dump... it's easy to talk {censored} from your computer chair. It's a whole different experience to actually get in there and try it.

On a side note, any one else note Wanderlei's open workout he's holding to search for new talent? I'm seriously considering sponsoring a young guy from around here. He's a Judo student of mine, 24, over 6', absolutely ripped and strong as an ox. Muay Tai training, obviously some Judo and some BJJ. Just a natural talent that I think could do great things at 170lbs. Anyone live in Vegas and want to save me some $$ by giving him a place to crash? He's a nice guy. Honest. Lived with me for a couple of months with no issues.


Yeah, dude... Fighting is hard. We (some of the football players) used to hold "boxing" matches in the wrestling room in high school... When I was in the best shape of my life. I KO'd two of my friends, but three one minute rounds were enough to make me respect boxing (MMA was in its infancy at the time). So, yeah... Cardio goes out the window sometimes. I could run 10 40s in a row under 5.5 seconds and a 5:24 mile but I couldn't punch for three one minute rounds. :lol:

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Sure, it's going to be fun to watch Kimbo fight the first time to see if he can hang





I'm looking for the other videos I saw that all ended the same way. He proves time and again he can't hang. Kimbo "Opps, I just tripped" Slice is a horrible MMA fighter. He can stick to fighting low lives in the streets.

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Yeah, dude... Fighting is hard. We (some of the football players) used to hold "boxing" matches in the wrestling room in high school... When I was in the best shape of my life. I KO'd two of my friends, but three one minute rounds were enough to make me respect boxing (MMA was in its infancy at the time). So, yeah... Cardio goes out the window sometimes. I could run 10 40s in a row under 5.5 seconds and a 5:24 mile but I couldn't punch for three one minute rounds.


Yeah, once you start punching, it's a whole different ball game. Having muscular endurance in the arms and shoulders is usually the downfall of a lot of people. Look at GSP and BJ Penn's last fight. GSP said specifically that his goal was to wear out BJ's arms, which is a good indication that even the best in the world - and BJ is THE best in the world at 155 - suffer from it. So to expect Wes Shivers, or anyone else his caliber to not is a little unrealistic. Both guys looked horrible and even if their breathing and heart rate were not excessive, it was pretty obvious that their muscular endurance was spent and lactic acid build up was through the roof. I can, right now, go to the dojo and grapple multiple 5 minute rounds. We just had another local MMA team visit us and I grappled probably 10 or 15 matches while they were there, but I can't hang in boxing class. Not at all... and that is without the possibility of an adrenaline dump happening and burning all my energy.

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