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Picked up a different bass on the way out the door....


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My Carvin LB75 have become my "go-to" bass. My "taxi-cab" for those of you who read that interview. I can make her do nearly anything, and I can coax exactly which sounds I want from her. I can't say that with all my basses.


But, I hitched a ride with another bandmember, and I knew that my hard case would NOT fit in the back of her SUV. The gig bag will, however. So, I unzipped the MTD Kingston gig bag, played a few notes on it, and decided to just take that bass rather than my old faithful.


Man! What a kick! I had forgotten what a great little bass this is. I love that big, asymetrical neck. And the tone is more aggressive than the Carvin, but it still fit in quite nicely with the mix. The soundman told me before the show that he had to roll down the bottom end and roll down a bit of the midrange, too. But, still, he liked the overall tone through the FOH.


It's good to pick something up and fall in love all over again.

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