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I Think I Just Snapped...


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Originally posted by BlueStrat

I was thinking of Uncle Fester. But a REALLY COOL Uncle Fester...!


I have done Uncle Fester for Halloween as well as Mr. Clean, Doctor Evil, Homer Simpson, and Captain Jean Luc Picard (This was a few years ago when I was thinner). Never thought about the Hitchcock resemblance, but now that you mention it, yeah, I can see it. Not too sure how many of today's clubgoers would even know who Alfred was.

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I don't think you snapped, I found it a perfectly lucid summary of what it's like out there.


Good luck, I'm sure you'll find soething if you persevere.


Meanwhile I am i the woodshed perfecting my solo act, cause bands just suck. Even when it's amicable!

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I understand your frustration. We've had leads on guitarists and bassists that lead to nothing ("uh, yeah. I just want to play Metallica type stuff...")


I'm hooked up with an excellent drummer. We're both in our 40s. The younger guys have dreams of becoming rock gods and the older guys I'm not sure, afraid of gigging or burned out on gigging or are content to sit at home and play along with CDs.

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