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Originally posted by SeeU 22

Check out their website. The clips on there are interesting to say the least.


:eek: :eek:


Is my computer broken? All I heard was some poorly recorded ham-handed bass playing accompanied by some caterwauling that was sometimes on key.


Is this what he means when he says "As a vocalist and harmonica player, I have few equals. (Though I also play some guitar, usaully in open tunings for delta blues derivative music, and some percussion, I'm a vocalist.) The bassist, in his sphere, bass/keyboard/mandolin/etc. is equally as authoritative.

I speak from the fire and strike heavy with of the sword, in a chorus championing people long oppressed and long suffering. Music is the gift from God to definitively pronounce our uprising and redemption. This means the poor, the meek, and the oppressed.


Judging by what I heard, the only people 'long suffering" he'll be in contact with will be his audience.

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