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Paying Tribute


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At last night's gig I decided to sneak in a tribute to Syd Barrett. During the first set, we came to a song that I start on guitar, and the rest of the band joins in. Before I did that song though, I decided to take a moment to say a few words, and it took my band a bit by surprise.


I mentioned that the founding guitarist from Pink Floyd died this week, and I'd like to play something for him. I looked at the band and asked them if it was cool, and they nodded. What could they say? Anyway, I tell a brief bit about Wish You Were Here, and then start it.


I was planning to do it solo, but the rest of the band started in. They didn't know it very well, but their hearts were in the right place. I suppose I could have taken them aside and showed them the basics before the show, but we were so busy that there wasn't really time for that anyway.


Still, it went pretty well, and the audience was appreciative.

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Originally posted by KeysBear

Nice. We do a lot of Pink Floyd including Wish You Were Here. Though Syd pretty much checked out before the great Floyd songs we remember he still was an icon of rock history. BTW, which one's Pink?


I prefer Gilmour, but without Barrett there would have been no Pink Floyd for Dave to join.

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Originally posted by Rich4Once

I prefer Gilmour, but without Barrett there would have been no Pink Floyd for Dave to join.

Heh, you're so right. Maybe there's a topic there somewhere about bands that were awesome with their second lead singer. Journey comes to mind. Anyway, R.I.P Syd, and thanks for your legacy.



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we played with a fairly unknown band from the other side of the country some time ago. last week, by coincidence, we had a gig in their hometown. ofcourse they are pretty well known there.


the rehearsel before, we practiced on of their songs and so we played it live in their hometown. needless to say the audience went wild. the just didn't expect a band from the other side of the country paying tribute to a local band!

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