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Who uses a floor board live ?


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Originally posted by Blackbelt1

I know I'm in the minority but I've been playing out live for the better part of a year now, using just a Pod XT Live direct to the house P.A. My iPod is full of bass/drum backings, and I play a Variax. Am I going to hell for all of that?




Nah...to each his own.

I'm just a bit overzealous about modelers and digital floorboards.

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For smaller venues or some weddings/parties etc I use a Tonelab SE. I have it set up with 4 amp models and a lead boost for each one. I use my phase 90 before it. It does everything I need and can sound good enough for me to not get hung up about my sound when playing (something all the other modellers I've used couldn't do...)


I use the SLO, JCM800, AC30 and Bassman models. These cover most bases for covers.


Of course where I can, I will still rather use a tube amp but for some gigs, practicality is an issue.


Plus the 30second tear down at 3am is also a bonus.


Will it give you the best sound you've ever had? Probably not.


Will it do a good job and allow you to come across how you would like. IMO yes...


Give it a shot, if it's crap just sell it and try something else :D


(a lot easier to do with a

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I have a Vox AD120VTH and a VC12 that I sometimes use without a speaker cab. I just run the line out direct to the PA. When I do this I essentially have a forty pound Tonelab. Works great, but it does make me consider getting a Tonelab.

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I use a tonelab se running into the poweramp section of my half stack. sounds good. real good. plus it is also a lot less hassle than setting up 13 or so pedals, which the settings may have been knocked. I know have a larger variety of tones and textures avaliable and it is way more reliable and easier to set up and pack up. while I might not be able to nail every tone I can certainly approximate them to a standard that can convince a crowded bar.

however I do play in an originals band so my tonal spectrum may not need to be as wide as someone playing covers. But it has always sounded good to me.

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