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OT: for the veterans here... how long has "exercise" been a normal thing?


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This sounds silly but I had to laugh today when it dawned on me that exercising is basically a natural need.


I wanted to post here because you guys obviously need to be in decent shape to gig, and I know the forum is an honest one.


I grew up in a relatively sedentary household... I looked upon people jogging or whatever as "special". :o The natural state of the body should be fine, only fat people needed exercise:o


Only recently has it occurred to me that just about anyone who's healthy probably exercises. It's the rule and not the exception.:rolleyes:


But how long has the idea of exercise been around? I don't recall seeing it in old movies, that's why I thought it was a "new" thing. I am assuming older guys here will have some knowledge of its evolution... I'm guessing in the 1920's, or whenever, so much work was physical people didnt' need exercise programs.

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I guess it is sort of a modern issue since people in past centuries had to do real physical labor to survive.

But they also had a life expectancy of about 40 years.

All I know is that I feel better now that I have started working out. And looking better. I have more energy. I'm down two pants sizes. You skinny guys can laugh all you want to but that's an accomplishment to a fat guy.

But I still don't like it.

The benefits are so drastic that I make myself go. Maybe at some point I'll actually enjoy it.

But I do feel like a hamster on a running wheel sometimes.

I've started and stopped a few times. Maybe this time I can keep doing it.

The cool part is that I found a gym that's close by, unstaffed and 24/7. There's never more than a few people there and they're not the Mr. Universe types who laugh at fat guys trying to get in better shape. I had a trainer get me started so I didn't kill myself and you know what - she knows her stuff.

She even got me into yoga. Yoga is like magic.

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Until this recient couple week single digit stuff ,, we walk several times a week for 3 miles. Been at it over 10 years. Its been benificial. I am glad i started it at 45. I was in good shape at 40 .. then slugged out for 5 years.. then got back on the wagon. I cant imagine how i would feel if i had been a couch tater rat

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But how long has the idea of exercise been around? I don't recall seeing it in old movies, that's why I thought it was a "new" thing. I am assuming older guys here will have some knowledge of its evolution... I'm guessing in the 1920's, or whenever, so much work was physical people didnt' need exercise programs.



Exactly. There was still physical education training back then, mainly for people who wanted to become pro or school athletes. But the "average" person didn't exercise because they didn't need to. Everybody got in enough physical labor from their job or from walking to work/school, etc. People didn't go from their house to a car parked in the garage to an office where they sit on their butts all day and back to the house where they sit on their butts watching TV and surfing the Internet or playing video games.


People really do need to exercise to stay healthy, so if you don't do it in the course of your everyday life you need to do it consciously. It doesn't have to be anything super strenuous - walking is great exercise. But sitting around all day is not good for anybody and aggravates a lot of the problems we have in modern society - obesity, fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc.

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I wanted to post here because you guys obviously need to be in decent shape to gig



You do???


Dammit!!!...I knew I was lacking something! :snax:


Although, I have taken advantage of my temporary unemployment (actually took a new job, today...start in two weeks) and the sporadic shots of warm weather (68 degrees today) and been playing a lot of bad golf.

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This thread is making me feel guilty because I didn't run today (or yesterday)- I try to go about 2.5 miles 3 times or more a week. I also go to a gym but short sessions- you can get alot done in even 20 minutes if you have to. At 45 I won't model for Abercrombie& Fitch but I know I look and feel better for my exercise habit.


I just realized how lame that sounds but anything is better than nothing.

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I'm an extremist. In addition to the martial arts, I have always been a competitive distance runner (well, except for that 3 year stretch after high school where I went completely sedentary and just smoked, chewed, and drank heavily). I run about 50 miles a week and have qualified for the Boston Marathon for the 3rd straight year, so I'm getting ready for the '07 race now. I'm 47 - but honestly, I feel 27.



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What i like about it is , that you can get up , and feel like {censored} .... go walk 3 miles and feel good. We had a cake walk winter , until it got cold......I have been hunkered down with no exercise other than running the snow blower and shovel. That isnt cutting it. I may break out the xc skis and go for a slide....Its always exciting since i break them out every two or three years....and am not very good at it. Level ground on the frozen lake is fine. rat

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This is EXACTLY what I was talking about. You all proved my "theory"/sudden realization correct.


Well thanks for that.


As I said... growing up I never had any relatives into exercising. Not an obese family but not a fit active one either. I WISH I knew in my teens that running, working out was normal, natural and encouraged.


I figured you had to be a meathead to want to work out, even excluding weight training.


Well, you live and you learn. Now I need to apply the fruits of my knowledge.:D

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I guess my family is special, though I am only 19.

Both of my parents are triathletes. having done the Hawaii Ironman multiple times.

My grandfather has also done the ironman, run 100 miles, and such.


My great grandfather used to walk, ride a stationary bike, and do exercises every morning. He lived to 101.


So I have always had to work out.

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I'm down two pants sizes. You skinny guys can laugh all you want to but that's an accomplishment to a fat guy.


One time over on OJ we were discussing pant sizes (hey, it's a step up from poo). :o


Some New Orleans lawyer fella didn't believe my pants size, and since it was OJ he demanded an immediate picture. I actually took my pants off on the spot, snapped a photo, and posted the attached picture.


Men are serious about their pants size. I am determined to get that waist size down an inch to the size I wore when I was 25 (I'm now 54).




Terry D.

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One time over on OJ we were discussing pant sizes (hey, it's a step up from poo).

Some New Orleans lawyer fella didn't believe my pants size, and since it was OJ he demanded an immediate picture. I actually took my pants off on the spot, snapped a photo, and posted the attached picture.

Men are serious about their pants size. I am
to get that waist size down an inch to the size I wore when I was 25 (I'm now 54).


Terry D.


Damn Terry! 33? You f**ker! And you want to get smaller? I don't know how tall you are or how big of a frame you have but I think if I got below 36 I wouldn't know how to act.


I haven't been in good shape since I was in the military about 20 years ago. I, too, am pretty much a lazy pig who dismissed working out as stupid. :freak:


I was the stupid one. What else is new, right? :)


Seriously, I've only been at this for a couple of months now without stopping - this time - but I have seen and felt such a difference that I really am going to keep it up this time. I can feel it at gigs - more energy and flexibility. And I don't worry about people looking at how fat I am anymore. I have a ways to go yet but by spring I should be at 36 waist. At 6'3" with huge shoulders and head (size 8! :eek: ), that ain't too bad.


And I'm the oldest guy in my band - old enough to be one of the guys father - and I have to do this to keep up. I want them to try to keep up with me. :thu:


Now if I can just quit the f'ing cigs. :mad:

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As soon as I get out of bed, I hit the floor and do 20 pushups. It's one of several light exercises that I do every day except Sunday, each one taking only a few minutes. Plus I run three times a week.


My weight and waist size is where it was in my early 20s... 32" waist (which means that I'm usually a 30" pant, they oversize things so much these days) and 145 pounds. This was not the case before I started exercising 10 years ago!


I have no medical... none! It's impossible for a self-employed lower class middle aged man to get any kind of meaningful insurance in Washington State. I figure that I have to take care of myself. There's no doctor out there waiting for the likes of me.

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An intense job, long hours combined with an eternal hellish commute was causing me to not take care of myself. Health was sliding badly at 46. Finally got a grip about 2 1/2 years ago. Changed jobs, started exercising and eating a bit better.


I was never the jock when I was younger, but now I'm at the gym 4-5 times a week, dropped 30, and I'm in better shape than I was 20 years ago.


About 2 years ago, I met a guy who does fitness for older people. He told me that you can build muscle until you're about 55, then the best you can do is keep what you have. That was a call to arms for me.


Yeah, I feel way better. But the benefits that I didn't expect were:

- My brain works better.

- My coordination is better. Translates to holding the groove MUCH better.


See, eventually it gets back to music.



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Damn Terry! 33? You f**ker! And you want to get smaller? I don't know how tall you are or how big of a frame you have but I think if I got below 36 I wouldn't know how to act.



I'm 6 foot nothin' and 165 lbs. I'm small boned.


I just want to be 32/32 again, abdominal fat is a killer.


Terry D.

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I'm 6 foot nothin' and 165 lbs. I'm small boned.

I just want to be 32/32 again, abdominal fat is a killer.

Terry D.


Your pic reminds me of when I was on the road in Alberquerqe, climbing around on the Sandia mountain one day. And also outside of Durango, CO which has to be the most beautiful country I have ever seen. That's my favorite kind of exercise, just don't get to do it much.:cry:

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