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Interesting Moment at my gig last night


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My band was playing a typical bar gig last night and our singer (who almost never drinks) got into the tequila a little too heavily (OK much too heavily...).


By the 3rd set he was feeling it pretty good and started kind of losing track of things. We were on song 8 of the set but he jumped to song 9 so when we started the next song everone was playing song 8 except for the singer who was blissgfully pounding on his bass and rocking out to song 9....well lets just say it was a massive train wreck about to happen.


I was so surprised I just stopped playing for a second. The other guitar player tried to pull it together, but it wasn't happening. So in an inspired moment of decision making, he looked at the singer and said into the mic, Rick, Rick what song are you playing. The singer who was oblivious to what was going on up to that moment, thankfully stopped and kinda went....oh yeah, right.


So now that we were all on the same page we started song 9 with no problems.


What could have been a massive disaster turned into a mildly embarrassing moment in time that everyone except for us forgot by the end of the set.


Score 1 for quick thinking guitar players!!

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Always act like whatever is happening onstage is part of teh plan or else quite funny. Quite honestly you can get away with murder if you don't seem uncomfortable. Most of the time when I see a band tank it's because that SEEM phased, not merely because they make a mistake.



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I just cant see how he could of done that, he must of been wasted. Our bass player doesnt even remember the last set of this last gig, but he was learning songs as we went along. You could never tell how drunk my band was this weekend, that sucks. Maybe you need to have a talk with him. I could never handle the booze, so I quit getting drunk. Bad news if you ever want to be serious. The bass is too imporntant of an instrument to be screwing up. But on the other hand stuff happens, and at least you caught yourself. Good show.

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A similar thing happened at my gig on Friday...


Singer/rhythm guitarist plays lead on one of his compositions, but since he's not a lead player normally, sometimes has trouble with it. On this occasion, he starts in 1/2 step off from the key he's supposed to be in, got a bit confused, and couldn't pull it back together. Rather than make a huge gesture that he had messed up, he simply stopped playing and casually turned around, picked up his water bottle and took a long swill. Then continued singing when the next verse came along. Looked like he did his piece and he was done.


The rest of the band all laughed, because everytime he messes that solo up he has to pay the bass player $1.

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