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finding where to gig?

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Try to find web sites for local clubs, venues, etc. See if there's contact info.


Look up local acts on myspace, especially ones that play similar music. See where they're playing. Introduce yourself to band, see if they can get you contact info. Maybe this contact will pay off down the line and the band will remember you and ask to do set up a gig with them.


If you're in or near a major city, try to find the local alt weekly newspaper, such as the ones listed here




or here




find a copy and look at the local music lists. Most local clubs will have an ad or some sort of listing. (The individual web sites may have info, but for some it's probably easier to look at the print version)


you're 19? Are you near a college? Check their newspaper, if they have one. My college paper (back in the day) had a pretty good listing of on- and off-campus shows/venues.


or as was mentioned, definitely doesn't hurt to show your face at some of these places.

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