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Flyers You've Created

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...the other thread asking if you tear down other flyers gave me an idea to start this thread.


I really enjoy creating flyers for my band and/or music projects, and I'm sure that I'm not the only musician out there who likes to do this. I feel that a good band flyer should state the obvious: who, what, where, and when; but it also should convey the type of music or sound that the band(s) do.


What I'd like you to do is post flyers that you've made, and perhaps others could critique on various elements such as originality, how interesting it is, etc.


When I make a flyer, I ask myself, "if I were to spot this particular flyer, would it draw me to see the band?"


My most recent flyer:



And another cool one that I never got to post (the show was canceled):


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Here's one I sent to clubs, 11 x 17



...nice! Has a cool, retro '50s feel to it. I like the colors, and the fonts. Seeing that I've never heard your music, from what I can gather from your flyer, I'd guess that your style of blues is very clean (as opposed to raw), bright, tight?

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man a picture is worth a thousand words there... i dont know the pics source though. some folks pointed out that it could be a little harsh, but they all mentally translated it to "come to our show or the puppy gets it!", so mission accomplished, really... most people we're able to see the humor in it.






thats a real bug. freaky too, because it looks like its raising its arms in celebration or something, like "touchdown!" or "we're number one!", but its prob getting ready to kill something. nature is freaky. aw yeah. and those shoulder pads? so eighties...

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...nice! Has a cool, retro '50s feel to it. I like the colors, and the fonts. Seeing that I've never heard your music, from what I can gather from your flyer, I'd guess that your style of blues is very clean (as opposed to raw), bright, tight?



yeah, my band then was a horn/B-3 band and we did what we called 'uptown' blues, more jazzy/funky/swingy than the traditional, guitar oriented stuff. We all wore suits when we did big shows, sort of like Lyle Lovett's Large Band, and basically tried to set ourselves apart from other blues bands, many of whom at the time were either Stevie Ray Vaughanabees, into Biker Chic, or Hawaiian shirts and berets.

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Here's a handful.... I don't have access to our most recent one right now, but I'll upload it later tonight. Good stuff everyone! I love these kind of threads. So many cool ideas...















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...that's an awesome picture/insect! The only critique I would have is that a more interesting, eye-catching font could've been used. Compared with the picture, the font is kind of boring. But, hey, that's just my two cents...:blah:

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Wow...really nice work across the board!


A question for you - do you guys ever track (or have a general perception of) how effective flyers are? Do people say "I saw your flyer so I came" or do your friends who were coming anyway say "Cool Flyer!"?


By extension, Do you think it's worth all your design and posting time, printing costs etc. in this day of MySpace etc.? Or is it really a nod to a more vintage rock sensibility?

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All the flyers we make are also posted on MySpace as bulletins and such, so they work double. I figure if someone sees or gets a flyer that they've seen on MySpace already, they're twice as likely to be interested.


That said, I'm sure they don't work for {censored}, but they can be fun to make in your free time sitting around waiting for a gig to start.



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A question for you - do you guys ever track (or have a general perception of) how effective flyers are? Do people say "I saw your flyer so I came" or do your friends who were coming anyway say "Cool Flyer!"?

By extension, Do you think it's worth all your design and posting time, printing costs etc. in this day of MySpace etc.?



All in all, I get more of the 'cool flyer' responses than people who came out because of the seeing the flyer outside the venue.


Designing the flyers is recreation for me, therefore not a waste of time. I send out myspace bulletins including the flyers; but I still see value in printing and distributing paper flyers. Most of the time I mail them to the venue and it's their job to distribute them. If we're playing locally I'll put a few up around the area.

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I didn't do these, a friend of the band does them for us. Here's to good friends :thu: The first one is an older one I had on this comp. and the the second one is our current stock one that we mod to suit the time and place. We print them up in everysize from little fold up ones we set on tables to 11' x 17" matte and glossy. The glossy ones disappear fast.

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...the other thread asking if you tear down other flyers gave me an idea to start this thread.

I really enjoy creating flyers for my band and/or music projects, and I'm sure that I'm not the only musician out there who likes to do this. I feel that a good band flyer should state the obvious: who, what, where, and when; but it also should convey the type of music or sound that the band(s) do.

What I'd like you to do is post flyers that you've made, and perhaps others could critique on various elements such as originality, how interesting it is, etc.

When I make a flyer, I ask myself, "if I were to spot this particular flyer, would it draw me to see the band?"

My most recent flyer:


And another cool one that I never got to post (the show was canceled):



Great flyers Esquire. I really like the one of the tidal wave from that famous Asian painting. It's a witty play on the band's name.

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Wow...really nice work across the board!

A question for you - do you guys ever track (or have a general perception of) how effective flyers are? Do people say "I saw your flyer so I came" or do your friends who were coming anyway say "Cool Flyer!"?

By extension, Do you think it's worth all your design and posting time, printing costs etc. in this day of MySpace etc.? Or is it really a nod to a more vintage rock sensibility?





We just email our flyers. I watch the web traffic a few days after the flyers go out and we get a lot more hits then flyers sent. So my assumption is that the flyers get passed around. Our mailing list is about 75 emails and we generate a almost double that in visitors with each flyer.

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