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How Far Would You Be Willing to Drive to a Gig?


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Here's our criteria...

If, after deducting expenses (gas, meals, rooms), they're paying more than we could get just playing here, then we go.

And yes, we've done just that a few times. We negotiate rooms, extra money for gas, and a rate that's higher than our normal. If they're willing to guarantee that, it's on.

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The idea of being a legitimae road warrior at this stage in life is downright laughable. It was barely OK 30 years ago....I can't imagine it's gotten any better with age.



Can it even be done today?


When we were doing it 15 years ago... the 'circuit' was nearly gone. We had to go everywhere from MI to FL to keep a full calendar. Just 5 years before that, you could make a month out of NC alone.


I haven't heard of a circuit band or seen a rotation in nearly a decade. Except for the Velcro Pygs, who I hear are still going...jeez. It's all local, with the occasional 100+ mile trip.


These kids, putting together 'tours'...where they use Myspace to coordinate several weeks out....and do these 4-band shows, basement parties, and crash at whatever house is hospitable....that is cool, and nuts. I wouldn't dream of it...but it seems thats the order of things today.

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{censored}!!! At the end of a night, everybody goes to bed at home with at least $100 in their pocket. A gig 4.5 hours away? Gas, food, Overnight Lodging. Let's say three hours loading, setting up, and unloading. Four vehicles for 5 guys? OK... If it was a family favor, like a sister's wedding, and there was a reasonable expectation that everyone would get wild drunken bridesmaid sex, I would have to charge at least $2200.00. A regular job for strangers, double that. And figure in lost wages and $50 apiece for the guys that don't get lucky.
I'm from DC. Played a job in Austin TX once. I said give us $600 and get us there, and make sure we have what we need. All done. I needed to read the directions to figger out how to turn on the PA, BUT-- It was a {censored}load of fun, we spent a weekend in Austin, and nobody got hurt. And when we woke up next Monday at home, we had as much money under our pillows as if we'd played local. No lesson there.
Just know how much money you have on the plate before you serve it. No argument there.

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I play in a wedding band that will take gigs anywhere in New England. Since I live near Cape Cod, there is the potential for gigs that are a 4 or 5 hour drive each way. I usually get several each year with a 3 hour (ballpark) drive.

We just make sure there is extra pay and free accomodations if the commute is long.

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