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How NOT to write a Promo kit


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I had the same problem with my Previous Band. The guy that did the web site would "randomly" capitalize words', misplace apostrophes', etc. I didn't want to Nitpick him to Death, but at the same time it was "pretty embarrassing" and unprofessional.




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I wonder if the band got any bookings based on that press kit. If I was a booking agent/bar owner, I would immediately set fire to that thing and flush it down the commode.


I find it unbelievable that out of the four of them they couldn't produce something better than that. Amazing.

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Also, did anyone else notice that in their quest for self-worth, they take the time to list the gear they "use" - like the stuff that gives them rock street cred:

Gibson, Boogie, etc., etc.

And then absolutely FAIL to have their pictures taken with said gear. And to add insult to injury, in the pictures used for the bio's, which sit directly above the gear "lists" - THEY'RE PLAYING F*CKING DIFFERENT GEAR THEN WHAT THEY LIST!

Ex: That chinese guy who plays "Gibson" and "Boogie" is using the pic of him standing in front of a Marshall rig while playing something that is definitely NOT a Gibson...

People usually do that because they see other successful bands doing it, and don't understand that the successful bands that do it have endorsement deals. It's fairly pathetic, really.

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