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Most mismatched bands you played with


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I'm sure further back ther is a thread like this but with the search engine down, here goes.


I was once in a female goth rock outfit with some heavy stuff like Evanesence/Lacuna Coil with some industrial music. With some of us coming form a metal background we had some contacts with the metal promoters to get us a show. Well, most of the metal bands in our area we're mostly hardcore, death metal or southeren metal. There was one such show where we we're sandwiched between two death metal bands. Thinking we would get booed, we had a suprisingly positive response.

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For the OP, that's fairly common. We're in Massachusetts and play a decidedly melodic and pop influenced version of hard rock. We always get put on bills with metal bands.


And every time we do, we make a slew of fans, most noticeably with Gargoyle Brootal Stringbender's girlfriend. :thu:

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When we first started out, a friend of a friend asked us to open for them. I didn't even know it 'til we got there, but they were an Ozzy Tribute band...which is great, except that we are modern alternative rock/pop! It was weeeeeird!



Wasn't much of a friend if you didn't even know what kind of band he was in?


Just sayin....

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around these parts(mid-michigan),original bands are pretty varied and there are not a ton of places to play so you end up playing with some pretty wild stuff.anything from death metal,country-rock,experimental type stuff to jam bands.one of our best shows to date was with a pretty popular ska band"mustard plug".sold out show,the crowd"got us"but we are in my opinion miles from ska music ,but the crowd just dug us. we were pretty freaked out by it.

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I've told this story before, but my pop-punk band right out of college was booked with several heavy metal bands over the years, including one where the lead singer wore a boa constrictor the whole night. Also, we were billed with a rapper one night. I'm almost positive that the line-up that night went Peter Gabriel-era Genesis type prog band, us, and the rapper.


My later bluegrass band was once paired with a Velvet Underground-type high-volume drone-rock band.

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www.myspace.com/cromozonej - this band right here, literally drove all of the people out of the room during their set, and packed up and left before they got paid due to embarrassment, or something.


For the record, this was my band, and all the other bands were along the same lines (hardcore/metal/punk) www.myspace.com/xazariahsprayerx

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I was playing keys/guitar in a pop rock original band (ala Matchbox 20/Counting Crows) about 10 years ago. Booked a show at a local theater. Three bands on the bill.

We were the headlining act (since we rented the building). We had a little buzz in the area, and the place was pretty much packed the night of the show.


The opening act was a blues-rock band. We all knew the singer/guitarist, and it wasn't a bad fit between them and us. They were really good, and the crowd really enjoyed them. Our guys are getting psyched.


Now, for Act II...


These guys had done a battle of the bands we were in. I didn't really know anything about them. The frontman from our band had booked them in the middle slot. I hadn't gotten to the battle of the bands to hear them, so I didn't know what to expect...


Anyway, when they came out onstage, the lineup consisted of a (not-very-good) dj, drums and guitar/"vocals". The guitarist came out with a KFC bucket on his head (I know; Buckethead rip-off) a gas mask, shorts, sandals and a lab coat. He played his guitar with a piece of styrofoam he had cut from a cup backstage.


They had a featured "entertainer", a big guy with (if I remember correctly) some kind of antennae and fairy wings. He had black tape strips across the front of his shirt, which he had quickly applied before they went onstage. He "danced" across the stage during their performance, shooting the crowd (and the band) with water pistols, and pushing what appeared to be broom straws up his nose.


I stood about 10 minutes (hours?) of them, and had to go outside. Evidently, half the crowd followed suit. Unlike me, however, they didn't return for our set. EPIC fail on the band compatibility meter! :facepalm:

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I used to play in a twee pop band (think Belle & Sebastian meets Talulah Gosh). One night we were booked at a bar to play after a Beastie Boys type act and before some hard rock band with massive Marshall stacks. Needless to say, there wasn't much audience cross-pollination that night.

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around these parts(mid-michigan),original bands are pretty varied and there are not a ton of places to play so you end up playing with some pretty wild stuff.anything from death metal,country-rock,experimental type stuff to jam bands.one of our best shows to date was with a pretty popular ska band"mustard plug".sold out show,the crowd"got us"but we are in my opinion miles from ska music ,but the crowd just dug us. we were pretty freaked out by it.



yeah, similar here in northern cal. my favorite venues have varied original music.


i think the local scene is eclectic enough that the audience like the variety.

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A local pub here will let almost any band play. Heck, they let us play twice. This results in interesting pairings. Our first night up we had "Machete" on before us - chainsaw-metal I guess you would call them. They were so energetic they only played for 25 of their 45 minutes :) It's a kinda goth pub, so we were a bit worried, but it was nice that we pulled the "crowd" (few Thursday night patrons) from the bar into the stage area, which the chainsaw-metal did not do :)



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Now, for Act II...

These guys had done a battle of the bands we were in. I didn't really know anything about them. The frontman from our band had booked them in the middle slot. I hadn't gotten to the battle of the bands to hear them, so I didn't know what to expect...

Anyway, when they came out onstage, the lineup consisted of a (not-very-good) dj, drums and guitar/"vocals". The guitarist came out with a KFC bucket on his head (I know; Buckethead rip-off) a gas mask, shorts, sandals and a lab coat. He played his guitar with a piece of styrofoam he had cut from a cup backstage.

They had a featured "entertainer", a big guy with (if I remember correctly) some kind of antennae and fairy wings. He had black tape strips across the front of his shirt, which he had quickly applied before they went onstage. He "danced" across the stage during their performance, shooting the crowd (and the band) with water pistols, and pushing what appeared to be broom straws up his nose.

I stood about 10 minutes (hours?) of them, and had to go outside. Evidently, half the crowd followed suit. Unlike me, however, they didn't return for our set. EPIC fail on the band compatibility meter!



I laughed, I cried, i vomited. Great story:thu:


Although i seriously feel for you, your band, and most especially the crowd for going thru this.

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I laughed, I cried, i vomited. Great story:thu:

Although i seriously feel for you, your band, and most especially the crowd for going thru this.



Thanks. And every word is the truth. It was almost surreal. I actually have a copy of the video from that show somewhere at home. I couldn't get a copy of the tape that had all of OUR performance on it, but, through some crazy twist of fate, I ended up working at a day job with a guy who knew some of the Waffle crew. So I got their mix of the video, which they had re-arranged so that it only had a portion of our set, and we had been moved to the middle slot, and they (at least on their video) appeared to be the headliner.


Anyway, IF I can stomach it, and can figure out the technicalities, I will post the video of them...

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