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Problems while recordings/Need Tips!


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Hello All!


A little background, i have been 'screaming' for about a year now, and now my band is wanting me to start singing.

I spent a few months taking lessons, once a week, they helped, but were too costly for me to continue to afford. (18, in college, bills bills bills!)

Since i've just started to sing, the confidence factor is there, I sing live, and I feel like I can get by, but it's nothing special.

She taught me scales, and lip roll, la-ga's, and a few other things, but I have altered how I sing since i've gone to see her. Can you guys offer any other tips for a fairly new singer?

Go to http://www.myspace.com/mansionproductions A myspace i set up just for this demo.

I am a better live singer than a recording one, it seems that I think about it too much, and thus try to put too much into it. Do ya'll have any tips to help me record?


Thank you SO much!

I also have videos of the band live...

Here's one.


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The myspace has no songs on it I can hear.


From the video though it sounds like you're doing that thing screamers trying to sing do where they "drop" on to the note.


Its all about tension and release of pressure/air. When screamers scream it tends to be in a certain kind of style


I know this sounds dumb but bear with me, this is difficuly to describe, if you could map out the release of pressure/air for a screamer it would be "FRRont LOOAaded IIInto EEEVVrry WOORrrrrd" and thats great for screaming. But when it comes to singing the notes have no power or smoothness to them and just kind of plop out.


Singers think in phrases, not notes. The whole phrase is a gentle release of air that carries with it each note, wheras for a screamer every word is an explosive release of air.

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