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Why did I like the Ting Tings??


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I watched SnL this weekend and musical guest was the Ting Tings. Never heard of 'em...and 10 seconds in I knew why.

I generally am a child of the 80's hard rock/hair metal or straight up blues rock.

guitars, bass, drumms, good vocals. That's what I like.


I always DVR SnL and FF through sketches and bands I don't like. I bet I haven't watched 2 bands in the last year on SnL.


But I watched both songs all the way through.

I was intrigued. I am not sure I can say I am a fan, but I sort of, in a weird way liked them.


I don't get it. No guitars, - ; no singing...monotone vocals, - ; all other instruments were sequenced, -


but I watched....:idk:

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My biggest "turn-off" is the live aspect of hearing bass, keys, guitar and seeing no instruments. On a cd I think I would totally get in to it. Although the singer is mezmorizing for some reason to watch.



I, too, TiVo SNL. I, too, watched and ejoyed them. I, too, was surprised at this. I, too, found the girl fun to watch. I mean, she's no supermodel, but...

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