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40,000 Rs a month!?!?? Holy {censored}!! Wait... is that rubles? um... what country can I even spend an Rs in? I mean.. If I can use that in Mexico or Canada I might be down but if I have to go to Moscow to spend the 120,000 Rs I saved up by working a whole summer I'll be pissed.

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I believe it's Indian Rupees, 40,000 RS converts to $887 US - somehat less impressive sounding, but you won't have to go to Moscow to spend it - just Delhi.
where do I sign up


man... that's even worse. It would probably take 2 months to save up for a plane ticket to go spend it. Just in case I'll go to costco this afternoon and see if they take Rupees and if so I'll sign up. I could really use a 7lb clamshell of blueberries.

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