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Poor turnout, understandable venue


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It was so damn hot last night that everyone stayed home. We had a "decent" crowd (not great) but their AC couldn't keep up so many people apologized and left before we even started the third set.


At the end of the night, the manager brought me the check to sign. I apologized for such a bad turnout and he said "You guys did great. No one in town was busy tonight. It all comes out in the wash. I've been doing this a long time and we'll make it back another night."


A while ago, we internally agreed to play only at this venue in that town. This makes me glad that we did. :thu:

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It was so damn hot last night that everyone stayed home. We had a "decent" crowd (not great) but their AC couldn't keep up so many people apologized and left before we even started the third set.

At the end of the night, the manager brought me the check to sign. I apologized for such a bad turnout and he said "You guys did great. No one in town was busy tonight. It all comes out in the wash. I've been doing this a long time and we'll make it back another night."

A while ago, we internally agreed to play only at this venue in that town. This makes me glad that we did.


Its been a wierd week for us too. The 4th being in the middle of the week kinda took what is a gangbuster weekend and turned it into a steady but non busting at the seams kinda week. It should be interesting to hear the numbers for the week vs last year. Good show last night big crowd things went smooth on stage.

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wish more bar owners were like that. Pretty cool that he was.



We had an OK turn out at a place we play every 6 weeks or so. I think the nice weather keeps some away from this place in the summer altogether.

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Sounds like a guy who's seen this before. Between the heat and people being out of town on vacation and just plain afraid to be driving on a holiday weekend, sounds like you must have did OK. in the NW when the weather is nice like it's been for a couple of days now, it's almost always slower than normal for indoor gigs. Festivals and outdoor events on the other hand, tend to really do well 'cuase we're all stir crazy from 9 months of rain and cold.

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Mike, glad to hear they are treating you right! I used to like playing there, it's an area mainstay and when you don't know where to go, you end up there!


We had a really good show on Friday night. New entertainment managers at a local rock club that has seen more than it's share of 'ups and downs'. All 5 bands brought decent little crowds that made for an overall pretty good crowd. They've made some changes that, while small, make a huge difference - they took out the drop-ceiling that gave the bar a 12' ceiling height, this opened up another 12 feet or so, which allowed them to raise the FOH speakers ( 2 - 2X15+horns on each side - were hanging over the sides of the stage and blocking a decent size plot of stage real-estate.. ) so that they are not in the way, and they have added more lighting.

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we had a lighter than normal crowd at our Friday gig, outdoors, over 90 at downbeat. the kitchen was 130 degrees! they closed for Saturday but the owner told me they didn't want to close for us. We had fun, all things considered.

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Sounds like a guy who's seen this before. Between the heat and people being out of town on vacation and just plain afraid to be driving on a holiday weekend, sounds like you must have did OK. in the NW when the weather is nice like it's been for a couple of days now, it's almost always slower than normal for indoor gigs. Festivals and outdoor events on the other hand, tend to really do well 'cuase we're all stir crazy from 9 months of rain and cold.



There is also the fact that the venue Mike is talking about is 30 minutes from the beach... The summer in that area see's a big shift of business/activity away from the small towns and into the beach towns. Mike's show next Saturday should be properly packed, with plenty of beachy eye candy!

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we had a lighter than normal crowd at our Friday gig, outdoors, over 90 at downbeat. the kitchen was 130 degrees! they closed for Saturday but the owner told me they didn't want to close for us. We had fun, all things considered.



Wish I could have made the trip. Maybe next time my DE visit will dovetail with a Harrington gig, which is a lot closer, and I can get the whole family out.

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After re-reading my response I thought I should probably clarify who I was talking about in that first sentence - I meant the bar owner, who seemed to be professional and not try to blame a slow night on the band. I had meant to start a new paragraph for the rest of my response so that would be clearer. I hope no one thought I was refering to Mike's band seeing a lot of slow nights - I've been here long enough to know that's not the case. I also grew up back east and played all up and down the atlantic for some years and you're right, those places slightly inland and within' drivin' distance of the beach and resorts see a downturn during this time of year when folks are looking for an excuse to head to the coast or even inland to the mountains to cool off. This time of year most of the resort town clubs have a built in tourist crowd that's there to party! Same with places on the lakes, too. I miss that.

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Alan, I knew you were talking about the bar owner!


I also know of Mike's band (my Twin brother is in that area and knows Mike - I used to live there, but have not met Mike in person, yet... ) and they seem to be doing very well! I've played the same circuit that they are in and seeing some of the venues they've got booked, they must be doing something right!

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I left this part out of the OP, but the same manager also told me about another local band that was in our audience and we gave a shout-out to. Another venue across town called them in last-minute for Saturday night. The venue TEXTED them IN THE MIDDLE OF A SET telling them that they couldn't pay them the agreed amount and handed the singer a check for half the agreed-upon amount. The band stopped playing, tore down, and left. As much as I'm sorry to see them have to go through that, I'm glad they told the venue to suck it.


That venue used be a very cool place to play, but their shenanigans started last fall when they fired their bar manager and they've been screwing bands ever since. It's funny, though... their bad reputation has spread throughout the local music scene and bands are still willing to play there. I'm glad to say that we aren't one of them.

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Alan, I knew you were talking about the bar owner!

I also know of Mike's band (my Twin brother is in that area and knows Mike - I used to live there, but have not met Mike in person, yet... ) and they seem to be doing very well! I've played the same circuit that they are in and seeing some of the venues they've got booked, they must be doing something right!


Thank you, sir! :thu:

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I have an outdoor gig tomorrow evening for a city festival. The Weather Channel is calling for thunderstorms. Same thing happened there last year; we played three songs and they told us to tear down. We were willing to sit it out (the band is under a pavilion, so no fear of getting wet), but the city manager didn't want any problems from the vendors. Then they didn't want to pay us and we had to fight it out with them for three months until we finally got paid. I hope the same thing doesn't happen again tomorrow.

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