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So I get a Facebook message last night arounf 10pm from a venue .


"Hi Darrell! I'm not sure if you know this but you are supposed to be playing here tonight from 9-12. Call the bar when you get this."


My response:


I called the bar twice just now but got voice-mail.


I have no idea who would have booked me for this date. Frank Michaels use to book me but had nothing for me at XXXX for almost a year-- nor did I ever get anything from him prior to his passing.


Please understand that this is a full time job for me and I keep very detailed books so I can avoid these types of issues. I hope that if you're in need of entertainment in the future you'll call me. Sorry for the confusion.




They respond:


It's not your fault, this has happened a few times since he passed.


I'm thinking that if this has happened before since the agent died, wouldn't it be smart to confirm your dates with the bands on the scedule?

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