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The minute my band got a little bit of traction in the booking game, going from a gig a month to 3 a month, I get a contrast MRI done and I have a torn labrum in my shoulder.


I had it surgically repaired yesterday. Looks like I am out of gigging for at least 6 weeks.


All I can do now is give my fill-in the help he needs and support the guys on gig nights.

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been there done that with carpal tunnel. The band situation I was in at the time got a bit stressed because of it. Hopefully you don't have to go thru the bs I did- having surgery and not being able to play is bad enough. Being shunned from gig-involvement by the band "since you can't perform" is worse. Figured I'd run the sound board, helps set up, etc.. was told "why, we're not going to pay you, even a partial cut".. argh, bad memories.

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Sounds they lookin at ya like your as worhless as nuts on a priest, or tits on a boar pig, etc. Bastards. Assume your band is not corporate therefore you do not have long term or short term disability benefits which sucks. Bet you wish they'd break something so you can tell them they won't get paid on gig night haha. If your a guitar player could you play sitting down like a steel guitar player until your shoulder heals maybe? just a thought......

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