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What should every band know/be able to do?


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I'm putting together a new three piece to play my original songs.  The bassist is a great player but he is able to keep it simple when the song needs it.  We've only met the drummer once and his ambition is greater than his talent.  He overplays and ends up speeding up or slowing down.  We have agreed to keep jamming with him if he stops overplaying, keeps it simple, and learns the songs as closely to the recordings as possible.  He seems happy with that.

As it's a new band I want to start as we mean to go on.  Therefore I'd like advice on any band rules or guidelines you have.  Here are a few of my own:


Practice as much as possible at home so you are ready to put the songs together when we meet. 

Make sure all your equipment is in working order and as reliable as possible.

Don't drink alcohol before the show (one or two beers is fine but no bingeing)

If one member of the band has to fix something (e.g. broken string) the rest of the band should have a tune to keep the audience entertained.  (Ideally I would take two guitars but we live in a megacity and have to take the train to our shows).

If someone makes a mistake do not draw attention to it. 

Everyone should be working towards making the songs as good as possible, no ego trips. 


What else would you guys include?

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You're listing basic musicianship skills. If you want to know what every band should be able to do, I think the answer is "jam".


BTW it sounds like you need to get a string winder and learn how to change a string in under two minutes while talking to the audience. Way more effective than a drums and bass solo of you ask me.

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