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More Unrehearsed Stuff- Blues Jam Night


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There's a pretty cool blues scene happening not far from me, at a golf course of all places. They do a Thursday open jam and have some regional and even national blues artists in on the weekends. I've gone down a few times to cut loose and always have a blast. They have a person to host, and then whoever wants to come and jam is welcome. PA and backline are provided. I've been the only keys player every time I've gone, I take my Nord Stage and my K10 speaker.

Last night I went and played with a guy who I had seen before but had never met or played with. The drummer and bassist were guys I had done the jam with before. The drummer tours with all kinds of blues guys and the bass player is in a local blues band. The other guitar player is from this area but moved to WV a while back, he was here visiting and came out to jam as well.

Here's a video someone shot on a phone. The quality isn't that great, but you can catch the vibe of what's happening. There is nothing in the PA but vocals and kick, everthing else is stage sound.


This is like a 10 minute jam, my solo is around the 3 min mark. The 2 guitar players are both real good and the band as a whole sounded much better than this video, all pros who kept their ears open and filled their role. Tons of fun!

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Thanks timkeys!

Kevin- there is not much, if any, carryover from the golfers to the blues fans. The golfers are long gone by the time the jam starts. The guy who runs the place is a big supporter of blues and uses the venue, which would otherwise be empty, to provide an outlet for the players. It's not really a hoity toity club, it's between farms and marshland, the clubhouse is kind of rustic/beachy looking, and it's more of one of those communities where you buy a house and the course is part of the homeowners perks.  They have a good thing going though, the jams get bigger each week and there are always some good players there. I'm guessing there were 40-50 people at this one, maybe 10 of them musicians and the rest just people who enjoy the music.

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