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Hey Mr Tambourine Man - Shake A Leg For Me

steve mac

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I am still getting to grips with my Alesis drum machine and so far have not managed to get either the tambourine nor the shakers that are sampled in there to sound anywhere near as good as the real thing. So as either an interim or perhaps permanent measure, I am considering using the real things. However the issue is how to play them particularly as I am keen to avoid the one-man band image ie having Heath-Robinson contraptions or things strapped to elbows etc.

now I did see a guy playing the tambourine in Austin and he simply put his foot in it and sort of rocked and it worked really well. But it's certainly not as easy to do as it looks. So I was wondering if perhaps getting an old drum pedal and attaching things that need shaking.

Anyone tried anything innovative in this line or even something that worked.

Cheers Steve

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Headless tambourine rocking it up to bang against my shin...a good pair of western-style boots with a fairly high upper will prevent the bruises, btw.

Or a bass drum pedal modified to hold a tambourine is an option.

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I use to just put mine on the floor and and step on in. Well, more like rock it back and forth like I was using a bass drum pedal. It works best if you have a boot with a heal on it. Now this works great on hard wood floors. But not as loud if you play a carpeted stage.


This one has two boards hinged together with a spring that keeps it in a up position. Check out 3:21 in the video. Cool idea I think!


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