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g force,anyone have one?


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I have a G-Force, and I've been pretty happy with it. ALthough it can get a little noisey as the output is turned up on the unit. I am currently running it in series through the effects because, for example, my band covers "Owner of a Lonely Heart" and I need the patch for the solo. I'm not sure if something like the Switchblade would allow me to use the G-Force in better manner or not?

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In a word and IMO - yes....based off of my experience. I have a VHT UL and used to run the G Major in my loop. I then got the Switchblade 8b and built the rest of my rig keeping the G Major for a little while. Overall much much better in the SB. Never had issues per say w the G Force w coldness or any of that - I can dial as much of the effect as I need or don't need etc You get the idea. Could the noise gate not take care of that issue for you? Just curious...

Rai //

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well i got my g force today hooked it up quickly to my line 6 spyder combo(just a practice amp,this dam thing doesnt like any effect put thru it,noisey amp,so i went to the studio hooked it up alone through the pitbull effects loop,PERFECT,no noise,not thin,not sterile,ythis unit blows away my g-major,absolutley blows it away,thank you tc!!!!!!!!!!!!!incredible sounds all of them just WOW!

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Any chance some of us with a GForce can post some sound clips? It strikes me that one man's 'cold and sterile' might be another's 'warm and lush', not to mention the requirements of the different musical styles we're all playing...


I'll try to do some clips myself later today.

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Originally posted by Bob Greaves

Any chance some of us with a GForce can post some sound clips? It strikes me that one man's 'cold and sterile' might be another's 'warm and lush', not to mention the requirements of the different musical styles we're all playing...

I'll try to do some clips myself later today.

Hey Bob - I'll be in the studio in the next few weeks and will try and post some pre production stuff. It'll be a lil bit though but I def. would love to compare and see what we are all hearing here - obviously results will vary depending on the recording gear.
As long as we all keep that in mind - we should be able to learn something here ya think?

P.S. Crabby congrats! You are running a Pitbull? Which Model - sorry I know you mentioned it - but I've had 2.5 hrs of sleep and a national bill to play tonight so I'm a bit out of it lol

Rai //

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Originally posted by crabby

pitbull ultra lead with a marshall mode 4 paraell then slaved into a vht 2150 out into 4 vht 4x12 cabs,hhmmmmmmmmmmmm,they say it will kill small children,its ferocious,rock on!

Ummm for a metal set up - I'm assuming? ;) Seriously that has to be ONE TIGHT sound. I play a VHT UL w EQ as well man. Easily my favorite amp and my secret weapon in my rig - Sweet Crabby !

Rai //

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Originally posted by crabby

well i got my g force today hooked it up quickly to my line 6 spyder combo(just a practice amp,this dam thing doesnt like any effect put thru it,noisey amp,so i went to the studio hooked it up alone through the pitbull effects loop,PERFECT,no noise,not thin,not sterile,ythis unit blows away my g-major,absolutley blows it away,thank you tc!!!!!!!!!!!!!incredible sounds all of them just WOW!




Glad you like it. I knew you would find it was in a whole other league than the gmajor.

There is the same difference between the m-one, and the

m-2000. They are in just completely different categories.


Both of these parallels are in stark contrast to what TC tries to tell us. I remember in both instances TC trying to tell me when I had them on the phone that the gmajor was the way to go and the m-one was also newer technology and 24bit and this and that. My ears told me the real deal when I actually auditioned the pieces.

The m-2000 and the gforce are nice grade a steaks. The m-one and gmajor are just good hamburgers. Nothing wrong with a good hamburger but it ain`t no steak.


my 2 cents,



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Okay, as promised, I've hastily recorded some GForce clips. They're not in any particular order, or following any theme, but should give a flavour of the sounds on offer.


With that in mind, I may have to 'eat my hat', as I even impressed my sceptical self with the results. The recorded results have presented much better than the 'live' sound, so maybe I have other issues there?...


Anyhow, here you go... http://www.4x12.com/gforce_clips_page.htm


Let me know if you've any queeries, or if anything doesn't work right, as I've knocked this together in a bit of a hurry!

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You know Tom - I remember hearing the same thing when I had my G Maj. And thinking about it now lol - what company is going to come out w a new product and openly admit yea the old stuff kicks the s out of our new cheaper line ;) I feel like an idiot having fallen to the marketing hype but hey - you live you learn - all part of the gear edumacation process. Oh and Tom? Awesome metaphor - very true man.... Gotta DL Bob's clip -

Rai //

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Originally posted by Rai168

You know Tom - I remember hearing the same thing when I had my G Maj. And thinking about it now lol - what company is going to come out w a new product and openly admit yea the old stuff kicks the s out of our new cheaper line
I feel like an idiot having fallen to the marketing hype but hey - you live you learn - all part of the gear edumacation process. Oh and Tom? Awesome metaphor - very true man.... Gotta DL Bob's clip -

Rai //


Yeah Rai,

Good comments and observation. Don`t feel bad about having bit on the marketing bait. We have all been caught on that hook at some point. Anyone who says they haven`t are either lying or they just haven`t bought much gear at all yet for whatever reason.
Yes, it is definately a process. It also takes time to develop our ears as well as our taste. It takes time and experimentation to really find what our own particular sound really is as opposed to what sounds we like from others.
Then we have to put together the combination of gear that delivers it.
I encourage everyone to develop their ears by listening to as much music, tones, and gear as possible. Do this while remembering no one got where they wanted to be over night.
Referencing the analogy in my earlier post again; A good hamburger is particulary good if you have never tasted a steak. You have a different prospective once you put the steak beside the hamburger and taste them both. Also there is a difference between a strip steak and grade AAA corn fed choice cut beef steak.
We have got to listen to lot`s of gear and then compare and contrast all while growing our ears and educating ourselves. We also need to some method to this to be productive,


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i like my g-force. not perfect, but what is? i embrace the device and try to extract what i need from it.

a bit on the overkill side for how i use it live....dynamic delay/verb/gate, and the tuner. i don't even run a midi pedal at the moment. just one preset!

i've got the skb ps100 pedal/rack case.

current rig:
fender strat->barber tone press->barber direct drive->vht valvulator->tonebone classic->arion chorus->danecho->gforce->peavey valeverb->mojave coyote class A 12 watt head->hughes&kettner gh30 1x12 cab. komet airbrake on the head.

all 3 available rack spaces are full, otherwise i'd entertain an outboard mixer and possibly my patchmate to switch my world with a press of a midi pedal. i may still bail the valveverb (a killer tube/spring reverb/tremolo unit) and place the patchmate in there and switch everything via midi. the gforce trem and verb are great, but not tube analog goodness!

as is, the gforce really isn't optimized in my rig at all. and i notice that if i bypass the rack pieces in my rig and just go pedals into amp, i hear much more decay/detail and natural guitar sound and less A/D "latency". rack stuff seems to slow response and reign in dynamic range to my ear. the 2290 is one of the few exceptions.

i've programmed other presets for home use, and all of them have a "dry" parallel path routed internally, within the internal mixing/routing feature. i noticed if i didn't do that, at least without an outboard mixer, i would experience the dreaded "switching glitch"when using my ground control pedal.

i used to run a stereo rig with a passaic 8ch unity mixer, with a dry middle, so i undertand the benefits of such a rig.

we sent man to the moon, how about a lunchpail sized wet/dry stereo combo that has every sound i want? for about 200 dollars?

like egnater ac30 module, mojave peacemaker, two rock opal, egnater bassman module, 2290 delay, 1210 chorus, eventide modulation, lexicon reverb, dbx compression, celestion blue speaker sound, jensen speaker sound......:)

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